内容简介:TheLet me introduce what a
The Canny filter is certainly the most known and used filter for edge detection. I will explain step by step the canny filter for contour detection . Step by step because the canny filter is a multi-stage filter . The Canny filter is rarely integrated in a Deep Learning model. So I will describe the different parts and at the same time implement it with Pytorch . It can be customized almost without limit, I have allowed myself some deviations.
Let me introduce what a convolution matrix (or kernel ) is. A convolution matrix describes a filter that we are going to pass over an input image. To make it simple, the kernel will move over the whole image, from left to right, from top to bottom by applying a convolution product . The output of this operation is called a filtered image .
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Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. / InfoQ中文站、王海鹏、高博 / 机械工业出版社 / 2011-1-1 / 55.00元
无论是软件开发、工程还是建筑,有效的设计都是工作的核心。《设计原本:计算机科学巨匠Frederick P. Brooks的思考》将对设计过程进行深入分析,揭示进行有效和优雅设计的方法。 本书包含了多个行业设计者的特别领悟。Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.精确发现了所有设计项目中内在的不变因素,揭示 了进行优秀设计的过程和模式。通过与几十位优秀设计者的对话,以及他自己在几个设计......一起来看看 《设计原本》 这本书的介绍吧!
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