阿里社招面经 (已拿 offer)

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前 · 330

背景 最近面试了阿里,已拿offer,来分享一下面经。问题比较多,而且很多面试题都是跟个人项目相关的,项目相关的问题借鉴意义不大,所以这里总结一些与项目无绝对关系的问题,欢迎围观~...



Handbook of Data Structures and Applications

Handbook of Data Structures and Applications

Dinesh P. Mehta / Chapman and Hall/CRC / 2004-10-28 / USD 135.95

In the late sixties, Donald Knuth, winner of the 1974Turing Award, published his landmark book The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms. This book brought to- gether a body of kno......一起来看看 《Handbook of Data Structures and Applications》 这本书的介绍吧!

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