内容简介:Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X37.1 发布,在这个版本中提供集成终端插件,初步实现内置终端功能。更新 gotools & gocode 以支持 Go 1.14。 ### 2020.04.24 Ver X37.1 * LiteIDE * add new integrated termin...
Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X37.1 发布,在这个版本中提供集成终端插件,初步实现内置终端功能。更新 gotools & gocode 以支持 Go 1.14。
### 2020.04.24 Ver X37.1
* LiteIDE
* add new integrated terminal plugin
* change LiteApi, IToolWindowManager and IFileManager api
* Terminal:
* new terminal plugin
* export open in integrated terminal action
* support open multiple shells (/etc/shells) on unix
* support open cmd/powershell/git bash on window
* support dark mode
* support login mode --login (unix)
* load enviroment from LiteIDE action (unix)
* tab style multiple terminal
* auto save / restore terminal info
* ctrl+c key interrupt support
* mouse to select, enter key copy to clipboard (ctrl+c/command+c)
* ctrl+v / command+v to paste from clipboard
* LiteApp
* folder add open integrated terminal action
* update hide tool window action icon.
* folder view enable create folder in files
* fix SideWindowStyle::moveToolWindow crash
* fix #1106, options widget add ScrollArea, enable resize, init check screen size
* LiteEditor
* change copy/paste/cut/selectall/undo/redo unregister shortcut for macos
* FileBorwser:
* add open integrated terminal action
* enable create folder in files
* simple, remove litefind/terminal depends
* LiteFind
* SearchResultWidget add expandAll and collapseAll button
* GolangEdit
* fix fold by GO_ELSE
* gotools & gocode
* fix & update for Go 1.14
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X37.1 发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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- Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X37.3 发布
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