Other workloads from Python to the Appleseed renderer to PHP to other machine learning software were all seeing sizable wins off Ubuntu 20.04 compared to Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS on this dual Intel Xeon Gold server.
The SPECjbb 2015 benchmark was another Java test seeing slightly better performance on Ubuntu 20.04 while sticking to the same major OpenJDK version between operating systems.
Out of the 199 tests ran in total, Ubuntu 20.04 won 74% of them. For the 26% where Ubuntu 20.04 LTS wasn't in first place, it was generally very similar performance between the tested Ubuntu releases on this Intel Xeon Gigabyte Server with very few cases where the performance came up short.
If taking the geometric mean of the 199 benchmarks on both operating systems from this Xeon Gold 5220R server, Ubuntu 20.04 in its current state was about 25% faster.
Look for more Ubuntu 20.04 benchmarks in April as the official release nears.
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杨宇 / 清华大学出版社 / 2012-1 / 79.00元
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