The cost of JavaScript frameworks, LCH colors, and Tailwind CSS 1.3

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

The cost of JavaScript frameworks, LCH colors, and Tailwind CSS 1.3

Inside a Dev's Mind: How To Plan Out a UI Feature — A look at how to approach building a new frontend feature in a thoughtful, considered way, based on one developer’s own thought process. It’s neat to see how he’d approach the task of building a basic heatmap (above).

Johannes Kettmann

The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks — Using data from theHTTP Archive, Tim explores the performance cost of using various popular frameworks as a starting point. Some good analysis here.

Tim Kadlec

The cost of JavaScript frameworks, LCH colors, and Tailwind CSS 1.3

Free Guide: 6 Steps to Improving Your Embedded Analytics UX — You don't have to be a UI/UX designer to create impressive dashboards for your application. Use these 6 principles to enhance your application’s analytics and delight your end-users.

Logi Analytics sponsor

LCH Colors in CSS: What, Why, and How? — An introduction to LCH colors (Lightness, Chroma, Hue), a new feature in CSS, which Lea refers to as a “game changer”. There’s a related LCH color picker tool too .

Lea Verou

▶   'We've Ruined The Web. Here's How We Fix It.' — An interesting hour-long chat with Jeremy Keith, a ‘philosopher of the internet’, on the imbalances found in the modern the web:

"All the evidence staring us in the face is that faster websites will make you more money – yet for some reason, that’s just ignored in favor of weirdly prioritized stuff."

Gerry McGovern podcast

Version 1.3.0 of Tailwind CSS Is Here — We've linked to this popular utility-first CSS framework a fair few times over the years and it continues to improve. This latest release brings with it declarative layout utilities, transition-delay support, font-size/line-height pairings and more.

Tailwind CSS

:computer: Jobs

Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.


Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


:information_source: Interested in running a job listing in Frontend Focus? There'smore info here.

:orange_book: News, Tutorials & Opinion

13 Places to Find Front-End Challenges “My favorite way to level up as a front-end developer is to do the work. Literally just build websites,” says Chris Coyier. If you’re short of ideas on how to level up, these other sites will help.

Chris Coyier

Listboxes vs. Dropdown Lists — An in-depth look at the advantages and disadvantages of using two HTML form components, one much more common than the other.

Anna Kaley

:date: All Day Hey! Live: An Online Conference for Designers & Frontend Devs — This all-day conf is now fully digital, and will be live-streamed early next month. The lineup is looking good, with speakers from Netlify, Smashing Magazine, and Microsoft to name a few. Tickets are affordable, and those currently out of work can attend for free.


Creating Morphing Animations with CSS clip-path — Learn how to implement morphing, a technique for transforming one appearance into another, using CSS.

Mikael Ainalem

Pseudo-Randomly Adding Illustrations with CSS — Eric’s personal site has recently been redesigned, bringing with it a collection of Japanese illustrations - used to add a bit of flourish and decoration between bodies of text. Here’s how Eric got one of the set of illustrations to display at random with just CSS ( no PHP or JavaScript here ).

Eric Meyer

Try It for Free: The Perfect Partner to MongoDB Atlas — Use MongoDB Atlas? Try the perfect partner for it. Save hours with our GUI & unlock the power you need, with Studio 3T.

Studio 3T sponsor

Wes Bos Shares His Personal Site's Stack — Always nice to see folks update a personal site ( more of this please! ). Here’s how Wes Bos moved away from WordPress over to a Gatsby set up.

Wes Bos

Minimum Viable Dark Mode — How to create a ‘quick and dirty’ dark mode for simple apps/sites using pure CSS.

Chase McCoy

Re-creating a Macintosh with Gradients and Box-shadows — Sarah runs through a quick explanation of how they created an original Macintosh using CSS.

Sarah L. Fossheim

:wrench: Code, Tools and Resources

The cost of JavaScript frameworks, LCH colors, and Tailwind CSS 1.3

patern.css: Fill Empty Background with Beautiful Patterns — A neat collection of CSS-only backgrounds. You can see them in action on the demo site .

Jiten Bansal

Good Email Code: A Library and Guide for Writing HTML Email — This seems to be in early development but contains some snippets with explanations for cross-browser HTML email code.

Mark Robbins

Isomorphic Layout Composer — An SSR layout service that composes a web page from fragment services.


Poolors: Generate Unique Color Palettes — This generates deep-linked color combos not often used by developers. Not sure how they determine least-used, but the example combos are indeed interesting and not-so-common.


以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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