Financial NLP: The Internet’s Financial Membrane

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Disclaimer: No investment advice. There is no guarantee of any data herein being accurate or correct; all data is purely educational. Please consult a licensed investment professional before making investing decisions.I’ve written a lot about Natural Langu

Get answers to financial questions from natural language…

Apr 21 ·3min read

Disclaimer: No investment advice. There is no guarantee of any data herein being accurate or correct; all data is purely educational. Please consult a licensed investment professional before making investing decisions.

Financial NLP: The Internet’s Financial Membrane

/answer from the Spawner API using our Python library

I’ve written a lot about Natural Language Processing. It’s been possibly the source of the most innovation in AI/ML for decades, with many of the most interesting use-cases. Recently, companies (projects?) like Hugging Face have brought together teams of NLP researchers and engineers to build and open-source incredible projects. I’m especially fond of huggingface/transformers.

This sort of open-sourced innovation has enabled a whole new class of applications across all sorts of different domains. It’s making Applied AI, especially in web apps and internet startups, incredibly accessible. At Spawner, we decided to use our massive store of Financial Big Data in tandem with NLP from projects like Hugging Face, spaCy, and others to build something cool around Natural Language Processing for Finance and trading.

We’ve made this part of the Spawner API free, covering select data for stocks from the S&P 500. You can use our Python library to access this endpoint directly.

What is it?

“Answer” is your natural language plug into financial data. The end goal is to be able to ask any question about equities and get back natural language answers. For now, you can ask all sorts of questions about income statements, balance sheets, and cash flows. We’re working on adding major economic indicators and news next! You’ll get back the raw data from the latest reported quarter’s earnings.

Install Library

This is a very early version of our Python library. While the core API is stable, the Python library has a long way to go. Expect answers and data to sometimes be unavailable or inaccurate. We give 0 guarantee of accuracy or liveness of data for our free parts of the API.

The data fueling the free version of the API is sourced from open datasets and corporate earnings/releases. It goes through significant ETL before being ready for the training and understanding portions of our NLP.

pip install spawner

Import answer from the Spawner Python Library

from spawner.nlp import answer

Start Asking Questions

You’ll get back a Pandas DataFrame containing an answer in natural language, all in the order of highest probability to answer your question…

answer('what is the p/e ratio of apple?') 
The p/e ratio of Apple is 20.45answer('how about the revenue of GE?') 
The total revenue (Q4) of General Electric Company (GE) is 23,360,000,000answer('where is the S&P 500 at now?') 
Here is the quote for SPY (S&P 500 ETF): 281.5

Financial NLP: The Internet’s Financial Membrane

/answer from the Spawner API using our Python library

What can YOU build?

For now, you can ask and explore all things income statements, balance sheets, and basic things like price and financial statistics. We’re constantly adding to our data and improving our algorithms. We’re imagining all sorts of web apps and plugins that can be built by plugging into the heart of finance with Natural Language Processing. And we’re partnering with developers who want to build cool stuff. You can join our Discord and help us build the financial membrane of the internet! And if you get a chance, check out Spawner — the future of finance is automated .

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Financial NLP: The Internet’s Financial Membrane》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






松本行弘 / 柳德燕、李黎明、夏倩、张文旭 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2011-8 / 75.00元

《松本行弘的程序世界》是探索程序设计思想和方法的经典之作。作者从全局的角度,利用大量的程序示例及图表,深刻阐述了Ruby编程语言的设计理念,并以独特的视角考察了与编程相关的各种技术。阅读《松本行弘的程序世界》不仅可以深入了解编程领域各个要素之间的关系,而且能够学到大师的思考方法。 《松本行弘的程序世界》面向各层次程序设计人员和编程爱好者,也可以供相关技术人员参考。一起来看看 《松本行弘的程序世界》 这本书的介绍吧!



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