We have decided to run the S20 batch remotely, because amid the COVID-19 crises, the safety of founders and YC staff is our top priority. Interviews for the batch will be remote, and office hours, evening talks, and meetups throughout the batch will all take place over video conferencing, as well as on our online platform and forum for YC founders.
We are confident we can produce a great remote batch. We have learned a lot from the final month of the W20 batch (which was entirely online) and from a large number of international teams over the years who have only been able to attend portions of YC in person.
Interestingly, the S20 batch will be YC’s 15-year anniversary. If there’s one constant over the last 15 years, it is change; YC is constantly experimenting and evolving to adapt to founders’ needs. We’ll continue to adapt in the midst of COVID-19 and work hard to serve our S20 founders.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
甘迪文 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2018-12 / 108
《Windows黑客编程技术详解》介绍的是黑客编程的基础技术,涉及用户层下的Windows编程和内核层下的Rootkit编程。本书分为用户篇和内核篇两部分,用户篇包括11章,配套49个示例程序源码;内核篇包括7章,配套28个示例程序源码。本书介绍的每个技术都有详细的实现原理,以及对应的示例代码(配套代码均支持32位和64位Windows 7、Windows 8.1及Windows 10系统),旨在......一起来看看 《Windows黑客编程技术详解》 这本书的介绍吧!