Speed-up inference with Batch Normalization Folding

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Batch Normalization is a technique which takes care of normalizing the input of each layer to make the training process faster and more stable. In practice, it is an extra layer that we generally add after the computation layer and before the non-linearity


Batch Normalization is a technique which takes care of normalizing the input of each layer to make the training process faster and more stable. In practice, it is an extra layer that we generally add after the computation layer and before the non-linearity.

It consists of 2 steps:

  • Normalize the batch by first subtracting its mean μ, then dividing it by its standard deviation σ.
  • Further scale by a factor γ and shift by a factor β. Those are the parameters of the batch normalization layer, required in case of the network not needing the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Speed-up inference with Batch Normalization Folding

Due to its efficiency for training neural networks, batch normalization is now widely used. But how useful is it at inference time?

Once the training has ended, each batch normalization layer possesses a specific set of γ and β, but also μ and σ, the latter being computed using an exponentially weighted average during training. It means that during inference, the batch normalization acts as a simple linear transformation of what comes out of the previous layer, often a convolution.

As a convolution is also a linear transformation, it also means that both operations can be merged into a single linear transformation!

This would remove some unnecessary parameters but also reduce the number of operations to be performed at inference time.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Speed-up inference with Batch Normalization Folding》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




About Face 3 交互设计精髓

About Face 3 交互设计精髓

Alan Cooper、Robert Reimann、David Cronin / 刘松涛 / 电子工业出版社 / 2008-11 / 72.00元

本书是一本数字产品和系统的交互设计指南,全面系统地讲述了交互设计过程、原理和方法,涉及的产品和系统有个人电脑上的个人和商务软件、Web应用、手持设备、信息亭、数字医疗系统、数字工业系统等。运用本书的交互设计过程和方法,有助于了解使用者和产品之间的交互行为,进而更好地设计出更具吸引力和更具市场竞争力的产品。 全书分成3篇:第1篇描述了“目标导向设计”,详细讨论了用户和设计的过程及思想;第2篇讲......一起来看看 《About Face 3 交互设计精髓》 这本书的介绍吧!

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