内容简介:A sample app using Apple's contact tracing framework, as documented here:Note: The Apple framework is not actually yet released. This app is being developed using a mock version of the framework based on the published documentation. This will generate fals
A sample app using Apple's contact tracing framework, as documented here:
Note: The Apple framework is not actually yet released. This app is being developed using a mock version of the framework based on the published documentation. This will generate false exposures for the purposes of testing and development.
This app will be evolving quickly as I'm trying to publish new functionality as quickly as possible.
- Create a fully-functioning prototype that governments can use as an almost-turnkey solution that they can rebrand as necessary and use
- Implement correct security and privacy principles to maximise uptake of said government apps
- Remain open source for independent verification
- Properly use the Apple / Google contact tracing specification
- Work in a localized manner so it can be used in any language or jurisdiction
- Create a functioning server prototype that can be used as a basis for more robust solutions that fit into governments' existing architecture.
Demo Video: https://youtu.be/rVaz8VQLoaE
Please submit suggestions and pull requests so this can function as best as possible.
Refer to the KeyServer
directory for information about the server-side aspect of contact tracing.
Refer to the LICENSE
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
屈泽中 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-7-1 / 69.00元
《大数据时代小数据分析》是一本大数据时代下进行小数据分析的入门级教材,通过数据分析的知识点,将各类分析工具进行串联和对比,例如:在进行线性规划的时候可以选择使用Excel或LINGO或Crystal Ball。工具的应用难易结合,让读者循序渐进地学习相关工具。JMP和Mintab用来分析数据,分析的结果使用Excel、LINGO、Crystal Ball来建立数据模型,最后使用Xcelsius来动......一起来看看 《大数据时代小数据分析》 这本书的介绍吧!