gfetch - a fast, lightweight Git fetch utility written in POSIX sh

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前


gfetch - a fast, lightweight Git fetch utility written in POSIX sh

gfetch is a tiny, lightweight shell script that can be used as an alternative to onefetch .


gfetch is

  • small : the entire script is less than 300 lines of code (not counting comments).
  • fast : shows information for the git repository in just a few seconds.
  • POSIX : runs on just about any modern POSIX shell: bash , dash , mksh , loksh , anything short of tcsh or mksh .
  • less distracting . gfetch does not have and never will have huge, ridiculous ASCII art that takes up half the screen.
  • configurable . This fetch script was designed from the ground up to be completely configurable, down to the order of the information fields. Every single field -- even the (small) ASCII art -- can be disabled.

Note that gfetch is still in very early stages. Expect bugs, incorrect information, and lots of missing features.


You will need:

  • a Unix-like system (Windows support is planned)
  • a fairly modern version of Git (duh)
  • a POSIX-compliant shell. (so no fish, tcsh, etc)
  • GNU sed and GNU awk (other sed/awk implementations might work, but are untested.)
  • GNU Make (the Makefile is incompatible with bmake )
  • SCC (optional, only required for language detection and LOC count)

Then, simply grab a release tarball from the GitHub releases, extract, and run:

$ make clean all
# make install

directory is in your path first. If you want to install to a different location (e.g. /usr/bin ) you can run make PREFIX=/usr install instead.


Ensure that the gfe script is in your path, then execute it.

Configurationis done by editing the shell script at ~/.config/gfe/ , which is created by default if it doesn't exist. It is then source d by gfe on startup.

The configuration file consists of some environment variable definitions, which are only set if they are empty. This allows them to be overridden at runtime.

The list of environment variables is as follows:

# ensure that you use the
# form GFE_VALUE=\${GFE_VALUE:-othervalue}
# to ensure that it can be overridden on
# the command line!!
# GFE_LOGO: path to file with ASCII art.
# if it\'s value is not a valid file, then
# it is treated as ASCII art itself.

# GFE_ALIGN: number of spaces for padding between
# name and info columnds

# GFE_COL1: color for the first column (the
# name column). possible values: 1-7

# GFE_COL2: color for the second column (the
# info column). possible values: 1-7

# GFE_COL3: color for the header/title.
# possible values: 1-7

# GFE_SEP: character or text to separate each name
# and info line.
# e.g. using the value ':' would become 'name: info'
# in output.

# GFE_DIR: directory/repository for gfetch to cd
# into.

# GFE_AUTHOR_MAX: maximum number of authors for the
# AUTHORS gfe field.

# GFE_LANG_MAX: maximum number of languages for the
# LANGUAGES gfe field.

The config file also contains gfe_info() function, which is executed by gfe to show the information. It looks something like this:

gfe_info() {
    # print a newline.
    printf ''

    # print the default ASCII art.
    # note that the show_ascii() function must be
    # the FIRST if it is used.

    # print a Onefetch-esque header, with the
    # Git username and Git version.
    # usage: showheader <left> <right> <sep>
    showheader "$(get_user)" "$(get_gitver)" " ~ "

    # Each showinfo call prints one row of info.
    # By default, all available info is printed.
    # each command inside the "$()" is a gfetch
    # function to get information.
    # if you wish, you can even display your own text
    # with the showinfo function.
    # e.g. showinfo "$(hostname)" "HOSTNAME"

    # usage: showinfo <info> <label>
    showinfo "$(get_project_name)" 'PROJECT'

    # note: get_head_long() shows the branch name
    # as well as latest commit. if you want to see
    # only the latest commit, you can use the
    # get_head() function instead.
    showinfo "$(get_head_long)"    'HEAD'

    showinfo "$(get_version)"      'VERSION'
    showinfo "$(get_created)"      'CREATED'
    showinfo "$(get_languages)"    'LANGUAGES'
    showinfo "$(get_authors)"      'AUTHORS'
    showinfo "$(get_latest)"       'LAST CHANGE'
    showinfo "$(get_upstream)"     'UPSTREAM'
    showinfo "$(get_commit_count)" 'COMMITS'
    showinfo "$(get_loc)"          'LOC'
    showinfo "$(get_srcsize)"      'SOURCE SIZE'

    # print a newline.
    printf ''

By default, all available information is printed.


See for a Onefetch vs gfetch comparison.


  • Q : Why is a lambda the default ASCII art?
    • A : well, it's supposed to be a branch. (you know, git branch ?) If you think you can do better, feel free to submit an issue with your ASCII art :)
  • Q : Are there any plans to add language-specific ASCII art (as in Onefetch)?
    • A : Eventually. The goal is to first add other missing info fields and further optimize the code.


gfetch is licensed under the MIT license. See COPYING for more information.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《gfetch - a fast, lightweight Git fetch utility written in POSIX sh》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






余洪春 / 机械工业出版社华章公司 / 2011-11-1 / 79.00元

资深Linux/Unix系统管理专家兼架构师多年一线工作经验结晶,51CTO和ChinaUnix等知名社区联袂推荐。结合实际生产环境,从Linux虚拟化、集群、服务器故障诊断与排除、系统安全性等多角度阐述构建高可用Linux服务器的最佳实践。本书实践性非常强,包含大量企业级的应用案例及相应的解决方案,读者可以直接用这些方案解决在实际工作中遇到的问题。 全书一共10章。第1章以作者的项目实践为......一起来看看 《构建高可用Linux服务器》 这本书的介绍吧!



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