Build a Team that Ships (2012)

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:I started my first company 15 years go, and I still can’t manage. I suspect that very few people can. With AngelList, we want a team of self-managing people who ship code.Here’s what we do:If they can’t ship, release them. Our environment is wrong for them

I started my first company 15 years go, and I still can’t manage. I suspect that very few people can. With AngelList, we want a team of self-managing people who ship code.

Here’s what we do:

  • Keep the team small. All doers, no talkers. Absolutely no middle managers. All BD via APIs.
  • Outsource everything that isn’t core. Resist the urge to pick up that last dollar. Founders do Customer Service.
  • People choose what to work on. Better they ship what they want than not ship what you want.
  • No tasks longer than one week. You have to ship something into live production every week – worst case, two weeks. If you just joined, ship something.
  • Peer-management. Promise what you’ll do in the coming week on internal Yammer. Deliver – or publicly break your promise – next week.
  • One person per project. Get help from others, but you and you alone are accountable.

If they can’t ship, release them. Our environment is wrong for them. They should go find someplace where they can thrive. There’s someplace for everyone.

It’s not perfect. We ship too many features, many half-baked. The product is complex, with many blind alleys. It’s hard to integrate non-engineers – they aren’t valued.

But, we ship.

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王彦平 吴盛峰 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013-1 / 59.00元

《网站分析实战:如何以数据驱动决策,提升网站价值》由王彦平、吴盛峰著。目前,越来越多的网站开始重视数据,并期望从中发现新的机会,不管你是做网络营销、互联网产品设计、电子商务运营、个人站点运营维护,我们都希望从数据中寻找有价值的结论,并且指导公司管理层的决策,最终创造更大的网站价值。《网站分析实战:如何以数据驱动决策,提升网站价值》以通俗易懂的方式来讲解网站分析所需掌握的知识,剖析日常工作中遇到的问......一起来看看 《网站分析实战》 这本书的介绍吧!

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