Written byMichael Larabel inFedora on 17 April 2020 at 12:00 AM EDT.21 Comments
Hopefully it won't be like many Fedora releases in the past that were dragged out for weeks at a time due to blocker bugs (thankfully, recent Fedora releases have been tremendously better in that regard), butFedora 32 will not be debuting next week as planned due to bugs.
Thursday's release management meeting for Fedora 32 determined it a NO-GO .
So Fedora 32 won't be able to debut on 21 April as originally planned but is moving to its fallback target date of 28 April. That will hopefully happen unless any pesky issues remain.
The current blocker bugs include Fedora's "rescue mode" not recognizing LVM partitions and the F32 backgrounds version not being in the stable repository. There are also freeze exceptions around issues with some dual GPU laptops, the KDE desktop session not starting when switching between users, and other rather minor items.
Fedora 32 will hopefully ship before the end of April and with it comes GNOME 3.36 powering Fedora Workstation, an updated compiler toolchain with GCC 10 and Glibc 2.31, finally enabling TRIM on SSDs by default, firewalld defaulting to NFtables, and a wide variety of other software updates.
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