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Programming Algorithms
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Last updated on 2020-04-15
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About the Author
Hi, I'm Vsevolod Dyomkin (or Domkin according to the passport) from Kyiv, Ukraine.
I'm a Lisp programmer and enthusiast, a Natural Language Processing researcher, an occasional writer/blogger, and a teacher.
You can find some more relevant information at http://vseloved.github.io/
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Why Algorithms Matter
- A Few Words about Lisp
- Algorithmic Complexity
- A Crash Course in Lisp
- The Core of Lisp
- A Code Example
- The REPL
- Basic Expressions
- Sequential Execution
- Branching
- Looping
- Procedures and Variables
- Comments
- Getting Started
- Introduction
- Essential Data Structures
- 1 Data Structures
- Data Structures vs Algorithms
- The Data Structure Concept
- Contiguous and Linked Data Structures
- Tuples
- Passing Data Structures in Function Calls
- Structs in Action: Union-Find
- Take-Aways
- 2 Arrays
- Arrays as Sequences
- Dynamic Vectors
- Why Are Arrays Indexed from 0
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Binary Search
- Binary Search in Action: a Fast Specialized In-Memory DB
- Sorting
- O(n^2) Sorting
- Quicksort
- Production Sort
- Performance Benchmark
- Take-Aways
- 3 Linked Lists
- Lists as Sequences
- Lists as Functional Data Structures
- Different Kinds of Lists
- Queue
- Stack
- Deque
- Stacks in Action: SAX Parsing
- Lists as Sets
- Merge Sort
- Parallelization of Merge Sort
- Lists and Lisp
- Take-Aways
- 4 Key-Values
- Concrete Key-values
- Simple Arrays
- Associative Lists
- Hash-Tables
- Structs
- Trees
- Operations
- Memoization
- Memoization in Action: Transposition Tables
- Cache Invalidation
- Second Chance and Clock Algorithms
- Low-Level Caching
- Take-Aways
- Concrete Key-values
- 1 Data Structures
- Derivative Data Structures
- 5 Hash-Tables
- Implementation
- Dealing with Collisions
- Hash-Code
- Advanced Hashing Techniques
- Hash-Functions
- Operations
- Initialization
- Access
- Iteration
- Perfect Hashing
- Implementation
- The CHM92 Algorithm
- Distributed Hash-Tables
- Hashing in Action: Content Addressing
- Take-Aways
- Implementation
- 6 Trees
- Implementation Variants
- Tree Traversal
- Binary Search Trees
- Splay Trees
- Complexity Analysis
- Red-Black and AVL Trees
- B-Trees
- Heaps
- Tries
- Trees in Action: Efficient Mapping
- Take-Aways
- 7 Graphs
- Graph Representations
- Topological Sort
- Prim’s Algorithm
- Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Pathfinding
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- A* Algorithm
- Maximum Flow
- Graphs in Action: PageRank
- Implementation
- Take-Aways
- 8 Strings
- Basic String-Related Optimizations
- Strings in the Editor
- Substring Search
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP)
- Boyer-Moore (BM)
- Rabin-Karp (RK)
- Aho-Corasick (AC)
- Regular Expressions
- Implementation of the Thompson’s Construction
- Grammars
- String Search in Action: Plagiarism Detection
- Take-aways
- 5 Hash-Tables
- Selected Algorithms
- 9 Dynamic Programming
- Fibonacci Numbers
- String Segmentation
- Text Justification
- Pathfinding Revisited
- LCS and Diff
- DP in Action: Backprop
- Take-aways
- 10 Approximation
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Local Search
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Branch & Bound
- Gradient Descent
- Improving GD
- Sampling
- Matrix Factorization
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Fourier Transform
- Fourier Transform in Action: JPEG
- Take-Aways
- 11 Compression
- Encoding
- Base64
- Lossless Compression
- Huffman Coding
- Huffman Coding in Action: Dictionary Optimization
- Arithmetic Coding
- Take-Aways
- 12 Synchronization
- Synchronization Troubles
- Low-Level Synchronization
- Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
- High-Level Synchronization
- Lock-Free Data Structures
- Data-Parallelism and Message Passing
- Distributed Computations
- Distributed Algorithms
- Distributed Data Structures
- Distributed Algorithms in Action: Collaborative Editing
- Persistent Data Structures
- Take-Aways
- Afterword
- Acknowledgments
- 9 Dynamic Programming
- Notes
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[新加坡] 黄莉婷、[新加坡] 苏川集 / 武传海 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2019-2 / 49.00元
与使用数学语言或计算机编程语言讲解算法的书不同,本书另辟蹊径,用通俗易懂的人类语言以及大量有趣的示例和插图讲解10多种前沿的机器学习算法。内容涵盖k均值聚类、主成分分析、关联规则、社会网络分析等无监督学习算法,以及回归分析、k最近邻、支持向量机、决策树、随机森林、神经网络等监督学习算法,并概述强化学习算法的思想。任何对机器学习和数据科学怀有好奇心的人都可以通过本书构建知识体系。一起来看看 《白话机器学习算法》 这本书的介绍吧!