Builderz: Zero Configuration JavaScript Bundler

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:In yourOr even:


Zero Configuration JavaScript Bundler

build/er/z is built originally to bundle monorepos, expanded later to cover more build cases with a wide variety of options. It implements rollup, taking advantage of its simplicity and customization to build one-step production bundler.


npm install builderz

Easy to use

"build": "builderz"

Easy to customize

In your packages.json to compile to a CommonJS module (cjs) and minify the bundle just pass the required arguments.

"build": "builderz --formats=cjs --minify"

Or even:

"scripts": {
   "test": "..."
   "formats": ["cjs"],
   "minify": true,

Of course you cane import it as build package somewhere in your project:

const builderz = require("builderz");

// Multi-word options are camel-cased. Pass list as array.
const options = {};



-s, --silent <boolean>       Silent mode, mutes build massages (default: true)
  -f, --formats <list>         Specific build format (default: [])
  -m, --minify <boolean>       Minify bundle works only if format is provided (default: false)
  -m, --sourcemap <boolean>    Enable sourcemap in output
  -c, --camel-case <boolean>   Add camel-cased output file (default: true)
  -l, --clean-build <boolean>  Clean previous build folder (default: false)
  -b, --build-name <string>    Specific folder build name (default: "dist")
  -o, --output <string>        Custom output name
  -w, --pkg-paths <list>       Provide custom paths not in the root/src (default: [])
  -n, --pkg-names <list>       Building specific package[s], in workspace (default: [])
  -a, --alias <list>           Package Alias (default: [])
  -e, --entries <list>         Add multi entries instead of default src/index. (default: [])
  -r, --banner <string>        Add banner to output
  -d, --es-module <string>     Define Property exports (default: false)
  -t, --strict <string>        Enable Strict Mode (default: false)
  -h, --help                   display help for command

Under the hood

It does multiple things to save you some time and lets you focus on developing, that includes:

  1. Gets all validate packages by path or even names, by looking into the workplace for monorepo and root directory for one single package.

  2. Extract JSON from each package found in the workplace. To get essential production information.

  3. Cleans build folders if required.

  4. Creates camelize output name, bundles according to given name or just leaves it as it is with the original name in package.json

  5. If monorepo, sorts packages according to core/dependency , so core comes first and so on.

  6. Validates entries and aut-detect if src/entry or ./entry

  7. Creates a distension path for each project found.

  8. If there's no targeted format, it generates default formats (CJS, UMD, ES) one cycle minified with a map and the second is not.

  9. Highly customized. Reads local package build args first, resolves local paths. Prioritize local args to global ones.


npm test

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This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License

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