GitHub Makes Its Core Features Free for Everyone

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

GitHub Makes Its Core Features Free for Everyone

Microsoft is making massive changes to GitHub. Ever since the companyacquired GitHub for $7.5 billion back in 2018, it’s been making a ton of positive changes to the service. In early 2019, for example, GitHubmade it possible for its free users to make private repositories.

There was a small catch, though: these free private repositories were limited to having only three collaborators, which was a major problem for larger teams. That’s changing today.

GitHub is making all its core features for everyone, meaning you can now make private repositories on GitHub for free with unlimited collaborators. That’s a massive improvement for users, as it essentially removes the need to pay for GitHub unless you want to make use of some of the more advanced features.

And even if you do need those advanced features, GitHub is actually cutting the price of its Team plan today as well. It’s not a small cut, either — in fact, GitHub’s Team plan is going from $9 per user per month to only $4 per user per month. The change is in effect starting today, and existing customers will automatically start paying less.

GitHub is making a number of other minor changes to its pricing, so make sure to check out the FAQ about all that here.

Tagged withGitHub

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