内容简介:A simple but powerful project to rapid prototyping and development of front-end apps, with scss (optional), pug (optional), ES7, webpack (bundlefy, uglyfy, etc). Very useful to create static websites or apps, without having to worry about setting up the en
Create web apps with Webpack
A simple but powerful project to rapid prototyping and development of front-end apps, with scss (optional), pug (optional), ES7, webpack (bundlefy, uglyfy, etc). Very useful to create static websites or apps, without having to worry about setting up the environment.
You can get the source code free on Github
- Modern Technologies: Full support for HTML5, PUG, JavaScript (Vanilla and ES7) and CSS (Sass, scss and PostCSS)
- Built-in Server: Local development server with live reloading
- Performance Tuning: CSS and JavaScript transpilation, bundling, autoprefixing, and minification
- Image Optimization: Optimizes images for loading speed
- Favicon Generation: Automatically generates all favicons for Web, Apple and Android devices from one image file
- Code Linting: Full support for JavaScript (ESLint) and CSS (StyleLint) linting
- Setup Wizard: Optionally install helpful libraries and snippets including:
- jQuery
- Google Analytics
- FTP deployment process
- Cutting Edge: Uses Webpack for processing and bundling your code
- Deployment: Built-in support for deployment via FTP
- Node.js (developed with node 12)
Installation Steps
Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/jomendez/simple-webpack-boilerplate && cd simple-webpack-boilerplate && rm -rf .git && git init
npm install npm run setup
In this step you'll be able to setup your google analytics, enable jquery, setup (optional) an FTP for deployments.
npm run dev npm run build npm run deploy
If everything went well ( npm run dev
You browser should open a new tab and you should see something like this:
Quick example
It is recommended to create a new page within the src folder or use the one that comes with the example page.pug to start adding your content.
Then you can go to src/js/app.js file and add the following lines:
const page = require("../page.pug"); document.querySelector('container').innerHTML = page();
The code above is going to transpile the pug file this particular case (but it can be an html file). Then we will insert the content of the page into the container tag on the index.html.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《A simple yet powerful free webpack boilerplate to rapid prototyping and development of fron...》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
塞德威克(Sedgewick Robert) / 周良忠 / 第1版 (2004年1月1日) / 2004-4 / 38.0
《C算法(第2卷)(图算法)(第3版)(中文版)》所讨论的图算法,都是实际中解决图问题的最重要的已知方法。《C算法(第2卷)(图算法)(第3版)(中文版)》的主要宗旨是让越来越多需要了解这些算法的人的能够掌握这些方法及基本原理。书中根据基本原理从基本住处开始循序渐进地讲解,然后再介绍一些经典方法,最后介绍仍在进行研究和发展的现代技术。精心挑选的实例、详尽的图示以及完整的实现代码与正文中的算法和应用......一起来看看 《C算法(第二卷:图算法)(第3版)》 这本书的介绍吧!