内容简介:Today, theThe PBUI Project is an implementation of a subset ofThe PBUI Project has implementations of:
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PBUI Project Launch!
Today, the PBUI Project is officially launching. You may have seen or heard of our project before, so we thank you for your continued interest. If this is the first time hearing of the PBUI Project, let me explain what it is.
The PBUI Project is an implementation of a subset of GNU Coreutils in the up and coming programming language Zig . We've had our ups and downs with the language, but overall we really like it and will continue to follow its development.
The PBUI Project has implementations of:
- basename
- cat
- dirname
- du
- false
- head
- ls
- mkdir
- rm
- sleep
- tail
- true
- uniq
- wc
- zigsay
- A dynamic command line argument parser
Each of these applets can (theoretically) be symlinked to your existing command line and tools and be used in a fashion that mimics Coreutils. However, this software is still in development and not all features of all commands are implemented, however "normal" functionality should work. More on that further down in this blog post.
If you are interested in contributing to the PBUI Project in any capacity (documentation, code, etc.) please feel free to make an issue on our GitHub . We have lots of open issues and are interested in working with anyone who is willing to lend a hand!
Our code can also be found on GitHub page
In Recent Zig News...
We are very, very excited to see the release of Zig 0.6.0! We've made sure that all our tools were updated to support the new release. Zig 0.6.0 adds a ton of new functionality to the language and we look forward to the future of the language! Read more on the Ziglang blogpost about it .
The PBUI Project has also made an effort to update the Homebrew version of Zig so macOS users can get the latest update!
If you're interested in installing the PBUI-Project, it's as simple as installing Zig
on your machine and then running zig build
in the root directory of the repository. Below is a video demonstrating how to build and use the PBUI Project!
Note: word of warning about installing Zig from your package manager: since Zig is still early in development, things are changing a lot and you cannot always rely on your package manager to get you the latest updates. It's much easier to just download the pre-compiled binaries and run those!
Here's a quick little video getting you up and running with the PBUI Project
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
邹欣 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2017-6 / 69.00元
软件工程牵涉的范围很广, 同时也是一般院校的同学反映比较空洞乏味的课程。 但是,软件工程 的技术对于投身 IT 产业的学生来说是非常重要的。作者有在世界一流软件企业 20 年的一线软件开 发经验,他在数所高校进行了多年的软件工程教学实践,总结出了在 16 周的时间内让同学们通过 “做 中学 (Learning By Doing)” 掌握实用的软件工程技术的教学计划,并得到高校师生的积极反馈。在此 ......一起来看看 《构建之法(第三版)》 这本书的介绍吧!