Library for creating blur effects under Android UI elements
Break the monotony and make your music player unique!
A container which supports any two view scrolling in it
Android library, ExoPlayer wrapper
Fighting against force-stop kill process on Android with binder ioctl / Android高级保活
An easy way to replace bundled Strings dynamically, or provide new translations for Android.
a android library to update the app language dynamically.
LiveData notification when keyboard opens or closes, plus some handy extension functions
封装了 AOSP Launcher3 iconloaderlib 的应用图标加载库,支持与 Glide 和 Coil 轻松集成,可为自适应图标(adaptive icon) 添加应有的阴影,以及可选地将非自适应图标缩小为自适应图标样式。
Flip digit Library that makes a cool and flexible animation flip when changing from one numbers to another
a code generation tool that generates the builder classes, especially for the unit test class.
A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component.
PowerPermission makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
gradle plug-in adding supports of AspectJ into Android project
This sample shows how to react to the on-screen keyboard (IME) changing visibility, and also controlling the IME's visibility. To do this, the sample uses the new WindowInsetsAnimation and WindowInsetsAnimationController APIs in Android R.
This project contains various examples that show how you would do things the Compose way
App for help people to get know if they were in touch with infected person
Modern MVVM Android application which fetches news from ️
Learn to build a ride-sharing Android Taxi Clone App like Uber, Lyft - Open-Source Project By MindOrks
A terminal for a more modern age
Translate Room schemas to Database Markup Language (DBML).
A GitHub Action for running Android UI tests on Android emulator.
禁止一切形式的转载-禁止商用-禁止衍生 申请授权
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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- Android 开发技术周报 Issue#273
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- Android 开发技术周报 Issue#276
- Android 开发技术周报 Issue#277
塞尼 / 机械工业出版社 / 1999-3 / 49.00元
数据结构、算法与应用—C++语言描述(英文版),ISBN:9787111070177,作者:(美)塞尼 著一起来看看 《数据结构算法与应用》 这本书的介绍吧!