内容简介:In the era of digital transformation, businesses are migrating to micro-service frameworks, and streamlining business management with cloud platforms. Dragonfly, an open-source project from Alibaba Group, with distributed orchestration systems based on Kub
What is Dragonfly?
In the era of digital transformation, businesses are migrating to micro-service frameworks, and streamlining business management with cloud platforms. Dragonfly, an open-source project from Alibaba Group, with distributed orchestration systems based on Kubernetes in mind, proactively solves the following problems in cloud native image distribution:
Efficiency: with P2P and CDN technology, reduce image distribution time significantly and expedite delivery;
Traffic control: with intelligent analysis technology, dynamically balance distribution workload and business running, implement dynamic traffic control, and guarantee business stability;
Security: support HTTPs protocol in private image registry, encrypt distribution content, and safeguard data security.
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HTML & CSS设计与构建网站
[美] Jon Duckett / 刘涛、陈学敏 / 清华大学出版社 / 2013-1 / 59.80元
欢迎您选择一种更高效的学习HTML和CSS的方式。不管您设计和建立新网站,还是想更好地控制现有网站,都可以在《HTML & CSS 设计与构建网站》一书的指导下创建出用户友好、令用户赏心悦目的Web内容。我们知道,编码是一项令人望而生畏的工作,而本书却采用有别于许多传统编程书籍的新颖编排方式,将使您收到事半功倍的学习效果。 每一页都在短小精悍的示例代码的引导下,简明直观、直截了当地阐述一个新......一起来看看 《HTML & CSS设计与构建网站》 这本书的介绍吧!