内容简介:Warning: this book isA modern
Warning: this book is not finished ! I am still working on some of the chapters. Once it is completed, I will publish it as PDF and EPUB. Be patient.
A modern practical book about cryptography for developers with code examples, covering core concepts like: hashes (like SHA-3 and BLAKE2), MAC codes (like HMAC and GMAC), key derivation functions (like Scrypt, Argon2), key agreement protocols (like DHKE, ECDH), symmetric ciphers (like AES and ChaCha20, cipher block modes, authenticated encryption, AEAD, AES-GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305), asymmetric ciphers and public-key cryptosystems (RSA, ECC, ECIES), elliptic curve cryptography (ECC, secp256k1, curve25519), digital signatures (ECDSA and EdDSA), secure random numbers (PRNG, CSRNG) and quantum-safe cryptography , along with crypto libraries and developer tools, with a lots of code examples in Python and other languages.
Author: Svetlin Nakov , PhD - https://nakov.com
Contributors: Milen Stefanov, Marina Shideroff
ISBN: 978-619-00-0870-5 (9786190008705)
This book is free and open-source, published under the MIT license .
Official Web site: https://cryptobook.nakov.com
Official GitHub repo: https://github.com/nakov/practical-cryptography-for-developers-book .
Sofia, November 2018
Tags: cryptography, free, book, Nakov, Svetlin Nakov, hashes, hash function, SHA-256, SHA3, BLAKE2, RIPEMD, MAC, message authentication code, HMAC, KDF, key derivation, key derivation function, PBKDF2, Scrypt, Bcrypt, Argon2, password hashing, random generator, pseudo-random numbers, CSPRNG, secure random generator, key exchange, key agreement, Diffie-Hellman, DHKE, ECDH, symmetric ciphers, asymmetric ciphers, public key cryptosystems, symmetric cryptography, AES, Rijndael, cipher block mode, AES-CTR, AES-GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, authenticated encryption, encryption scheme, public key cryptography, RSA, ECC, elliptic curves, secp256k1, curve25519, EC points, EC domain parameters, ECDH key agreement, asymmetric encryption scheme, hybrid encryption, ECIES, digital signature, RSA signature, DSA, ECDSA, EdDSA, ElGammal signature, Schnorr signature, quantum-safe cryptography, digital certificates, TLS, OAuth, multi-factor authentication, crypto libraries, Python cryptography, JavaScript cryptography, C# cryptography, Java cryptography, C++ cryptography, PHP cryptography.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Practical Cryptography for Developers (open-source book)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Flash MX 2004游戏制作完全攻略
郭亮 / 中国电力出版社 / 2005-5 / 36.0
这是一本讲述Flash游戏编程的优秀教材。精美是数学图解,让您边读边看,兴致盎然;完整的游戏实例,让您边学边玩,趣味无穷;合理的章节规划,让您边学边练,轻松进阶……一起来看看 《Flash MX 2004游戏制作完全攻略》 这本书的介绍吧!