Blog of Inigo Quilez, Creator of Shadertoy

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:These are articles about the techniques I develop during my computer graphics work, most of which is self-taught. I love discovering and inventing things by myself (including reinventing the wheel, which I recommend) and then writing informally about it al

These are articles about the techniques I develop during my computer graphics work, most of which is self-taught. I love discovering and inventing things by myself (including reinventing the wheel, which I recommend) and then writing informally about it all, so hence this page. I do avoid academia, but if any of this content inspired or became your academic research paper, it'd be fair to credit it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the articles! For video tutorials, code and other resources visitthe landing page. And if you want to help me allocate official time for more and better content, now you can become a patron

Newest articles:interior SDFs (03/2020),trisect (02/2020),fBM (09/2019),SDF Bounding Volumes (08/2019),ellipsoids (08/2019)

All 120 articles

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陈康贤 / 电子工业出版社 / 2014-9-1 / 79.00元

《大型分布式网站架构设计与实践》主要介绍了大型分布式网站架构所涉及的一些技术细节,包括SOA架构的实现、互联网安全架构、构建分布式网站所依赖的基础设施、系统稳定性保障和海量数据分析等内容;深入地讲述了大型分布式网站架构设计的核心原理,并通过一些架构设计的典型案例,帮助读者了解大型分布式网站设计的一些常见场景及遇到的问题。 作者结合自己在阿里巴巴及淘宝网的实际工作经历展开论述。《大型分布式网站......一起来看看 《大型分布式网站架构设计与实践》 这本书的介绍吧!

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