内容简介:These are articles about the techniques I develop during my computer graphics work, most of which is self-taught. I love discovering and inventing things by myself (including reinventing the wheel, which I recommend) and then writing informally about it al
These are articles about the techniques I develop during my computer graphics work, most of which is self-taught. I love discovering and inventing things by myself (including reinventing the wheel, which I recommend) and then writing informally about it all, so hence this page. I do avoid academia, but if any of this content inspired or became your academic research paper, it'd be fair to credit it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the articles! For video tutorials, code and other resources visitthe landing page. And if you want to help me allocate official time for more and better content, now you can become a patron
Newest articles:interior SDFs (03/2020),trisect (02/2020),fBM (09/2019),SDF Bounding Volumes (08/2019),ellipsoids (08/2019)
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Cay S. Horstmann、Gary Cornell / 杜永萍、邝劲筠、叶乃文 / 机械工业出版社 / 2008-6 / 98.00元
《JAVA核心技术(卷1):基础知识(原书第8版)》是《Java核心技术》的最新版,《Java核心技术》出版以来一直畅销不衰,深受读者青睐,每个新版本都尽可能快地跟上Java开发工具箱发展的步伐,而且每一版都重新改写了的部分内容,以便适应Java的最新特性。本版也不例外,它反遇了Java SE6的新特性。全书共14章,包括Java基本的程序结构、对象与类、继承、接口与内部类、图形程序设计、事件处理......一起来看看 《JAVA核心技术(卷1)》 这本书的介绍吧!