内容简介:Flang is a ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++. It started off as the f18 project (Read more about flang in theTo better understand Fortran as a language and the specific grammar accepted by flang, read
Flang is a ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++. It started off as the f18 project ( https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18 ) with an aim to replace the previous flang project ( https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang ) and address its various deficiencies. F18 was subsequently accepted into the LLVM project and rechristened as Flang.
Getting Started
Read more about flang in the documentation directory . Start with the compiler overview .
To better understand Fortran as a language and the specific grammar accepted by flang, read Fortran For C Programmers and flang's specifications of the Fortran grammar and the OpenMP grammar .
Treatment of language extensions is covered in this document .
To understand the compilers handling of intrinsics, see the discussion of intrinsics .
To understand how a flang program communicates with libraries at runtime, see the discussion of runtime descriptors .
If you're interested in contributing to the compiler, read the style guide and also review how flang uses modern C++ features .
Supported C++ compilers
Flang is written in C++17.
The code has been compiled and tested with GCC versions from 7.2.0 to 9.3.0.
The code has been compiled and tested with clang version 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and 10.0 using either GNU's libstdc++ or LLVM's libc++.
The code has been compiled on AArch64, x86_64 and ppc64le servers with CentOS7, Ubuntu18.04, Rhel, MacOs, Mojave, XCode and Apple Clang version 10.0.1.
The code does not compile with Windows and a compiler that does not have support for C++17.
Building Flang out of tree
These instructions are for building Flang separately from LLVM; if you are
building Flang alongside LLVM then follow the standard LLVM build instructions
and add flang to LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS
instead, as detailed there.
LLVM dependency
The instructions to build LLVM can be found at https://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html
. If you are building flang as part
of LLVM, follow those instructions and add flang to LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS
We highly recommend using the same compiler to compile both llvm and flang.
The flang CMakeList.txt file uses
the variable LLVM_DIR
to find the installed LLVM components
the variable MLIR_DIR
to find the installed MLIR components.
To get the correct LLVM and MLIR libraries included in your flang build, define LLVM_DIR and MLIR_DIR on the cmake command line.
LLVM=<LLVM_BUILD_DIR>/lib/cmake/llvm \ MLIR=<LLVM_BUILD_DIR>/lib/cmake/mlir \ cmake -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM -DMLIR_DIR=$MLIR ...
the top-level directory where LLVM was built.
Building flang with GCC
By default, cmake will search for g++ on your PATH. The g++ version must be one of the supported versions in order to build flang.
Or, cmake will use the variable CXX to find the C++ compiler. CXX should include the full path to the compiler or a name that will be found on your PATH, e.g. g++-8.3, assuming g++-8.3 is on your PATH.
export CXX=g++-8.3
CXX=/opt/gcc-8.3/bin/g++-8.3 cmake ...
Building flang with clang
To build flang with clang, cmake needs to know how to find clang++ and the GCC library and tools that were used to build clang++.
CXX should include the full path to clang++ or clang++ should be found on your PATH.
export CXX=clang++
Installation Directory
To specify a custom install location,
to the cmake command
is the path where flang should be installed.
Build Types
To create a debug build,
to the cmake command.
Debug builds execute slowly.
To create a release build,
to the cmake command.
Release builds execute quickly.
Build Flang out of tree
cd ~/flang/build cmake -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM -DMLIR_DIR=$MLIR ~/flang/src make
How to Run the Regression Tests
To run all tests:
cd ~/flang/build cmake -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM -DMLIR_DIR=$MLIR ~/flang/src make test check-all
To run individual regression tests llvm-lit needs to know the lit configuration for flang. The parameters in charge of this are: flang_site_config and flang_config. And they can be set as shown bellow:
<path-to-llvm-lit>/llvm-lit \ --param flang_site_config=<path-to-flang-build>/test-lit/lit.site.cfg.py \ --param flang_config=<path-to-flang-build>/test-lit/lit.cfg.py \ <path-to-fortran-test>
How to Generate FIR Documentation
If f18 was built with -DLINK_WITH_FIR=On
( On
by default), it is possible to
generate FIR language documentation by running make flang-doc
. This will
create docs/Dialect/FIRLangRef.md
in f18 build directory.
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