Using Fedora to quickly implement REST API with JavaScript

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Fedora Workstation uses GNOME Shell by default and this one was mainly written in JavaScript.JavaScript is famous as a language of front-end development but this time we‘ll show it‘s usage for back-end.We‘ll implement a new API using the following technolo

Fedora Workstation uses GNOME Shell by default and this one was mainly written in JavaScript.

JavaScript is famous as a language of front-end development but this time we‘ll show it‘s usage for back-end.

We‘ll implement a new API using the following technologies: JavaScript, Express and Fedora Workstation. A web browser is being used to call the service (eg. Firefox from the default Fedora WS distro).

Installing of necessary packages

Check: What we already have?

$ npm -v
$ node -v

Maybe we already have both of them installed and can skip the next 2 install steps.

Setup dnf repo

$ sudo dnf install -y gcc-c++ make
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Install Node.js

$ sudo dnf install nodejs

A new simple service (low-code style)

Let‘s navigate to our working directory (‚work‘) and create a new directory for our new sample back-end app.

$ cd work
$ mkdir newApp
$ cd newApp
$ npx express-generator

## This one generates an application skeleton for us

$ npm i

## installs dependencies

Please mind the security warnings – never use this one for production.

Crack open the routes/users.js

Modify line #6 to:


Insert this code block below var router …

let data = {
 '2': 'Bruno',
 '3': 'Celine'

Save the modified file.

We modified a route and added a new variable data. This one could be declared as a const as we didn‘t modify it anywhere.

The result:

Using Fedora to quickly implement REST API with JavaScript

Running the service on your local Fedora workstation machine

$ npm start

Note: The application entry point is bin/www. You may want to change the port number there.

Calling our new service

Let‘s launch our Firefox browser and type-in:


Using Fedora to quickly implement REST API with JavaScript

It‘s also possible to leverage the Developer tools (F12 – Network tab – select the related GET request and look at the side bar response tab) to check the data.


Now we have got a service and and an unnecessary index accessible through localhost:3000/.

How to get quickly rid of this one?

1) remove ‚views‘ directory

2) remove ‚public‘ directory

3) remove routes/index.js

4) inside app.js file:

modify the line 37 to: res.status(err.status || 500).end();

remove the next line res.render(‘error’)

Restart the service

$ npm start

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[韩] 尹圣雨 / 金国哲 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-7 / 79.00元

第一部分主要介绍网络编程基础知识。此部分主要论述Windows和Linux平台网络编程必备基础知识,未过多涉及不同操作系统特性。 第二部分和第三部分与操作系统有关。第二部分主要是Linux相关内容,而第三部分主要是Windows相关内容。从事Windows编程的朋友浏览第二部分内容后,同样可以提高技艺。 第四部分对全书内容进行总结,包含了作者在自身经验基础上总结的学习建议,还介绍了网络......一起来看看 《TCP/IP网络编程》 这本书的介绍吧!

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