How && and || Operators Really Work in JavaScript

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The logicalNormally, you’re using these operators on booleans:However, can you use

The logical and ( && ) and or ( || ) are common logical operators used in JavaScript.

Normally, you’re using these operators on booleans:

true && true   // => true
true && false  // => false

true || true   // => true
true || false  // => true

However, can you use && and || with operands of any type? Turns out, you can !

This post explains in detail and examples how && and || operators work in JavaScript.

Let’s start with truthy and falsy concepts.

1. Falsy value

The boolean type has only 2 values: true and false . However, JavaScript is a loosely typed language, so the logical operations might be performed on any type of values.

How does JavaScript perform logical operations on values of any type? It decides whether a particular value can be considered falsy (an equivalent of false ) or truthy (an equivalent of true ).

Falsy is a value for which Boolean(value) return false .

Falsy values in JavaScript are false , 0 , '' , null , undefined and NaN :

Boolean(false);     // => false
Boolean(0);         // => false
Boolean('');        // => false
Boolean(null);      // => false
Boolean(undefined); // => false
Boolean(NaN);       // => false

2. Truthy value

Truthy is a value for which Boolean(value) returns true .

Saying it differently, truthy are the non-falsy values.

Examples of truthy values are true , 4 , 'Hello' , { name: 'John' } and everything else that’s not falsy .

Boolean(true);             // => true
Boolean(4);                // => true
Boolean('Hello');          // => true
Boolean({ name: 'John' }); // => true

3. How && operator works

Knowing what truthy and falsy values are, let’s check into detail how the logical && operator works.

Here’s the syntax of the && operator that involves a chain of operators:

operand1 && operand2 && ... && operandN

The expression is evaluated as follows:

Starting from left and moving to the right, return the first operand that is falsy . If no falsy operand was found, return the latest operand.

The algorithm is optimal because the evaluation stops as soon as a falsy value is encountered.

Let’s see how the algorithm works in a few examples.

When the operands are booleans, it’s simple:

true && false && true; // => false

The evaluation starts from left and moves to the right. The first true operand is passed. However, the second operand false is a falsy value, and evaluation stops. false becomes the result of the entire expression. The third operand true is not evaluated.

When operands are numbers:

3 && 1 && 0 && 10; // => 0

The evaluation is perfomed from left to right. 3 and 1 are passed because they are truthy. But the evaluation stops at the third operand 0 since it’s falsy. 0 becomes the result of the entire expression. The fourth operand 10 is not evaluated.

A slighly more complex example with different types:

true && 1 && { name: 'John' }

Again, from left to right, the operands are checked for falsy. No operand is falsy, so the last operand is returned. The evaluation result is { name: 'John' } .

4. How || operator works

Here’s a generalized syntax of || operator in chain:

operand1 || operand2 || ... || operandN

JavaScript evaluates the expression this way:

Starting from left and moving to the right, return the first operand that is truthy . If no truthy operand was found, return the latest operand.

|| works the same way as && , with the only difference that || stops evaluation when encountering a truthy operand.

Let’s study some examples.

A simple expression having 2 booleans:

true || false; // => true

The evaluation starts from left and moves to the right. Luckily, the first operand true is a truthy value, so the whole expression evaluates to true . The second operand false is not checked.

Having some numbers as operands:

0 || -1 || 10; // => -1

The first operand 0 is falsy, so the evaluation continues. The second argument -1 is already truthy, so the evaluation stops, and the result is -1 .

3.1 Default value when accessing properties

You can use a side-effect of the || evaluation to access an object property providing a default value when the property is missing.

For example, let’s access the properties name and job of the person object. When the property is missing, simply default to a string 'Unknown' . Here’s how you could use || operator to achieve it:

const person = {
  name: 'John'
}; || 'Unknown'; // => 'John'
person.job  || 'Unknown'; // => 'Unknown' || 'Unknown' : because the first operand is 'John' (a truthy value), the expression evaluates to 'John' .

The second expression person.job || 'Unknown' is different. person object doesn’t have a job property, thus person.job is undefined . In the expression undefined || 'Unknown' JavaScript skips the first operand undefined (because it is falsy), and returns the second truthy value 'Unknown' .

5. Summary

Because JavaScript is a loosely typed language, the operands of && and || can be of any type.

To deal with types conversion within logical operators, the concepts of falsy and truthy become handy. Falsy values are false , 0 , '' , null , undefined and NaN , while the rest of values are truthy.

&& operator evaluates the operands from left to right and returns the first falsy value encountered. If no operand is falsy, the latest operand is returned.

The same way || operator evaluates the operands from left to right but returns the first truthy value encountered. If no truthy value was found, the latest operand is returned.

While && and || evaluation algorithms seem weird at first, in my opinion, they’re quite efficient. The algorithms perform early exit, which is a good performance optimization.

In terms of usage, I recommend to stick to booleans as operands for both && and || , and avoid other types if possible. Logical expressions that operate only on booleans are easier to understand.

Can you explain how 0 || 1 && 2 is evaluated?

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