He who has a "why" to live for can bear almost any "how" --尼采
此前一直在关注swagger,不过也一直处于看看案例,读读文档的状态。关于写api接口文档和mock的事,多次头疼,看了许多 工具 都不甚满意,最近在使用 Mock ( 在线体验 )的时候
支持同步 Swagger 文档,1秒便能生成 Mock 数据。之后接口文档更新也能通过更新操作重新生成 Mock 数据
我自己很喜欢 easy-mock 这个工具,但写REST api的时候,感觉重复数据声明太多,很不爽,我们知道post/put的大部分属性是相同的,而get/post也有大量重复的属性。如何能以一种更加方便的方式在easy-mock(其他的mock工具也一样)定义接口,以便于更好地做到 DRY
, Swagger是绝佳的解决方案,而且它能带给你的远不止于此
why的问题一解决,how to do 只是细节问题了
Swagger is the world’s largest framework of API developer tools for the OpenAPI Specification(OAS), enabling development across the entire API lifecycle, from design and documentation, to test and deployment.
因为swagger庞大的生态系统,我们在api的整个生命周期中都能从中受益: from design and documentation, to test and deployment
如果你想对Swagger有更深的了解,可以看下对Tony Tam的这段采访(Tony Tam影响了Swagger的诞生): 通过Swagger进行API设计,与Tony Tam的一次对话
OpenAPI Specification
上述这段引用中有一个名词值得一提: OpenAPI Specification(OAS)
,它本身开放在 OpenAPI-Specification ,它的目的是:
The goal of The OpenAPI Specification is to define a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs
how to do...
我们从 swaggerhub 开始
- 在线编辑你的API文档(用的是 swagger-editor )
- 可使用使用json或yaml来书写(设计)你的API,推荐yaml,对人类更友好(无论是书写、阅读还是添加注释)
- 可导出为json或是yaml,easy-mock中要求json文档的url,所以你可以把导出的json放到 github gist ,然后贴到easy-mock里,之后就自动生成mock接口了
- 可直接生成可运行20几种server代码(诸如flask),当然也能自动生成client可执行代码
- swaggerhub自带了mock插件,可以直接在线测试,UI页里有curl的请求例子
- 和github相似,你可以分享以及fork别人的API项目: search ,这样对学习很有帮助
- 你可以邀请你的团队成员一起来编辑
上边的截图是官方的demo: Swagger Petstore
,这是一个很完整的API项目(同时也比较复杂),我们可以一边试运行,一边做些修改看看每个参数的作用,如果你想对swagger的语法有个整体的认识,推荐这篇文档 Swagger从入门到精通
另外文档结尾处有个彩蛋: OpenAPI Specification Visual Documentation ,这是查阅swagger写作语法的神器
编写API文档,其实我们只是在写一个简单的纯文本文件。你可以用任何你喜欢的文本编辑器来写(vim/emacs/atom/vscode/sublime)。但是为了提高效率,建议选择Swagger Editor(swaggerhub默认是它),诸如语法检查之类的功能能帮你省下大量排错的时间
- userid
- title
- content
- tag
get /articles
: 获取文章列表 -
post /articles
: 新建一篇文章(登录用户) -
put /articles/<id>
: 更新某篇的文章(指定文章id) -
delete /articles/<id>
: 删除某篇的文章 -
get /articles/search?title=python
: 搜索文章
swagger: "2.0" info: version: 1.0.0 title: blog # description支持markdown description: | # blog API documentation 这篇文档描述了的blog(article)的api接口 # host: localhost:8000 #localhost blog # basePath: /api schemes: - https - http consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: /: get: summary: Service root description: 列出所有api的描述信息. operationId: root responses: '200': description: Success security: [] /articles: get: summary: list all articles operationId: list_all_articles #后端函数 responses: '200': #todo description: Annotation successfully created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ArticleList' '400': description: Could not create article from your request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' post: summary: Create a new Article operationId: createArticle parameters: - name: Article in: body description: article to be created required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewArticle' responses: '200': description: article successfully created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Article' '400': description: Could not create article from your request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /articles/{id}: get: summary: Fetch an Article operationId: fetchArticle parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of article to return required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Article' '404': description: article not found or no permission to view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' patch: summary: Update an Article description: | This endpoint is available under both the `PATCH` and `PUT` request methods. Both endpoints have PATCH-characteristics as defined in [RFC5789](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789#section-1), meaning the request body does not have to include the whole Article object. New implementations should use the `PATCH` request method, and existing implementations continue to work under `PUT` but should switch to `PATCH`. operationId: updateArticle parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of article to return required: true type: string - name: Article in: body description: Updated article body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewArticle' responses: '200': description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Article' '400': description: Could not create article from your request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: article not found or no permission to update schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' delete: summary: Delete an Article operationId: deleteArticle parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of article to return required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Success schema: type: object required: - deleted - id properties: deleted: type: boolean enum: - true id: type: string '404': description: article not found or no permission to delete schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /search: get: summary: Search for annotations operationId: search #后台对应的函数名 parameters: - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of annotations to return. required: false type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 200 default: 20 - name: offset in: query description: > The minimum number of initial annotations to skip. This is used for pagination. required: false type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 - name: sort in: query description: The field by which annotations should be sorted. required: false type: string default: updated responses: '200': description: Search results schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SearchResults' definitions: NewArticle: # todo json 2 yaml: https://www.json2yaml.com/ # 也可以是在线的 #$ref: './schemas/annotation-schema.json' #https://h.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/schemas/annotation-schema.json type: object properties: userid: type: string #"pattern": "^acct:.+$" title: type: string content: type: string tags: type: array items: type: string Article: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/NewArticle' # NewArticle属性展开在这里 - required: - id properties: id: type: string Error: type: object required: - status properties: status: type: string enum: - failure reason: type: string description: A human-readable description of the reason(s) for failure. SearchResults: #用作list type: object required: - rows - total properties: rows: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Article' total: description: Total number of results matching query. type: integer ArticleList: #用作list type: object required: - rows - total properties: rows: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Article' total: description: Total number of results matching query. type: integer # Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin host: virtserver.swaggerhub.com basePath: /pwnote/blog/1.0.0
如果你对其中的语法有所不解可以查阅: Swagger从入门到精通
- 你可以在我的gist上看到
- swagger_blog.yaml , 下载链接
- json版本是: swagger_blog.json ), 下载链接
- 同时将它发布在swaggerhub上了: swaggerhub blog
- 在esay-mock上生成了mock接口: mock list articles (用的是 swagger_blog.json 作为swagger url
- 在ReDoc上浏览: ReDoc blog
Django REST Framework 是写api的神器
配合 django-rest-swagger 更是如虎添翼
我最近在使用的一个是 ReDoc ,有不少有名的项目在用它作为api文档的展示工具:
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
标签: swagger
Alvaro Videla、Jason J. W. Williams / 汪佳南 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-10 / 75.00元
本书对RabbitMQ做了全面、翔实的讲解,体现了两位专家的真知灼见。本书首先介绍了有关MQ的历史,然后从基本的消息通信原理讲起,带领读者一路探索RabbitMQ的消息通信世界。这当中不仅包含了针对单台RabbitMQ服务器和RabbitMQ集群的讲解,还教导读者如何使用各种工具来进行监控。 本书内容浅显易懂,文笔风趣幽默。书中包含了丰富的、可以运行的示例程序源代码,读者可以自行下载并运行,......一起来看看 《RabbitMQ实战》 这本书的介绍吧!