Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Hello Fellow Jitsters!While we work on making sure our infrastructure is able to cope with the recent surge in traffic, we have managedd to ship some features we think you may like, let’s go!

April 7, 2020 / Jitsi Community / Jitsi Meet / meet.jit.si

Hello Fellow Jitsters!

While we work on making sure our infrastructure is able to cope with the recent surge in traffic, we have managedd to ship some features we think you may like, let’s go!

System audio sharing

Sharing our screen while in a meeting has become second nature to most of us. From a quick peek at a document to a troubleshooting session, it is a very useful companion to the traditional camera feed.

Some time ago we introduced presenter mode, adding the ability to share your screen and camera at the same time.

Today we are improving Jitsi Meet’s screen sharing capabilities by adding the ability to share system audio together with the screen!

Since a gif is worth 1500 words:

Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020

PS: Browsers behave different depending on your platform with regards to this feature. On Windows you are able to share the entire system audio, but on Linux and macOS jut that of the tab you’re sharing.

Improved device controls

Changing what audio or video device we are using during a conference used to be a couple of menus away, which made it hard to use. We have now added a simpler way to change your devies, take a look!

Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020 Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020

New participant muting capabilities

Muting evey noisy participant, specially in large meetings,


used to be quite the task: one has to go and mute every particcipant individually. We are now introducing some simpler controls so a moderator can mute every participant, or all participants except one:

Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020 Jitsi Meet features update, April 2020

Updated translations

Jitsi Meet is translated to many languages thanks the our community’s help. In the past few weeks we have seen many contributions to our translations, both improving the existing ones and bringing in new languages. Thank you to everyone who contributed! :heart: If this is something you’s like to help with, please take a look here .

Happy meetings everyone!

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






克里斯托弗•斯坦纳 / 李筱莹 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-6 / 49.00

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