CSS logical properties: using the margin-block and margin-inline instead of the default margin

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Take the following example. We have a link, followed by a few words. And we want a 20px margin space between the link and the text.some textIn this content adding a

Take the following example. We have a link, followed by a few words. And we want a 20px margin space between the link and the text.

.container {
    border: 1px solid black;
    display: float;
    padding: 5px;

a {
    margin-right: 20px; 
    background-color: yellow;

some text

In this content adding a margin-right: 20px; makes perfect sense.

But what if the flex-direction of the container changes in reverse? Or the user is using a translation extension? Arabic is read right to left.

Then our element will look like this:

some text

The margin will still be on the right side, and we will have to add some more lines of code to make it work again.

Meet the CSS logical properties . We can replace the plain old margin with margin-inline-start: 20px; .

a {
    margin-inline-start: 20px; 

What it does is instead of saying "add a margin to the right”, we will have “regardless of direction, put a margin on the starting side”. It does not matter if the starting side is on the left or the right.

some text

Pretty cool, no?

If we want to replace some other margins, we can use the following table of correspondence:

margin-top      -> margin-block-start
margin-left     -> margin-inline-start
margin-right        -> margin-inline-end
margin-bottom   -> margin-block-end

And it works also with border and padding .

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Dave Thomas, David Hansson等 / 林芷薰 / 电子工业出版社 / 2006-7 / 65.00元

这是第一本关于Ruby on Rails的著作。 全书主要内容分为两大部分。在“构建应用程序”部分中,读者将看到一个完整的“在线购书网站” 示例。在演示的过程中,作者真实地再现了一个完整的迭代式开发过程,让读者亲身体验实际应用开发中遇到的各种问题、以及Rails如何有效解决这些问题。在随后的“Rails框架”部分中,作者深入介绍了Rails框架的各个组成部分。尤为值得一提的是本部分的后几章......一起来看看 《应用Rails进行敏捷Web开发》 这本书的介绍吧!





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