My tools are going Rusty

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Recently I've been taking a look at replacements for common command line tools (and coreutils) -

Recently I've been taking a look at replacements for common command line tools (and coreutils) - ls , cat , find , grep , etc. I don't really have many issues with the older tools, but I like shiny things. Turns out, people have been rewriting a lot of them in Rust


lsd is a replacement for ls . It adds some nice colours and icons to your output, like:

My tools are going Rusty


exa is also an ls replacement! It's fairly similar from what I can see, though it doesn't do the fancy font icons. However, it does display some info from Git, and has some other features. Both are worth looking at imo.

My tools are going Rusty


bat is like cat , but with colours, line numbers, and a few other things. It has syntax highlighting, shows git changes, and also automatically pages with less (which I love).

My tools are going Rusty

Sure, cat is intended to con*cat*enate files, but it's also really commonly used to just dump a file to your terminal. bat does that, and makes it pretty :D (it can concat too)


ripgrep is one of the first I installed! It searches code really, really nicely. .gitignore is followed by default, it recurses files and directories by default, and it's very fast. I think the output looks pretty nice too!

My tools are going Rusty
there was also only one todo

There are a few alternatives here, but this is the only one I've used


fd is like find, but in my opinion more convenient. fd .py is fast to type, and fd is also very fast to run. By default .gitignore is followed – a trend I'm very much liking. Regex is supported, and the output has colour!

My tools are going Rusty


dust is a tool I only found very recently, but it tries to make du nice. By default I don't find the output of du to be very helpful, and it's usually combined with at least -h , and maybe some sort as well.

My tools are going Rusty

dust will automatically sort, create graphs, and generally answer the "how the hell am I out of disk space already" question. For when the answer isn't docker images, anyway.


Not something I'm using, but there's an attempt to rewrite all of coreutils in Rust going on over here . It's pretty cool and worth a look

That's pretty much it for now! If you have any other suggestions, feel free to contact me on Twitter , or viaemail

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《My tools are going Rusty》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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