内容简介:Brim is an open source desktop application for security and network specialists. Brim makes it easy to search and analyze data from:Brim is especially useful to security and network operators that need to handle large packet captures, especially those that
Brim is an open source desktop application for security and network specialists. Brim makes it easy to search and analyze data from:
- packet captures, like those created by Wireshark , and
- structured logs, especially from the Zeek network analysis framework.
Brim is especially useful to security and network operators that need to handle large packet captures, especially those that are cumbersome for Wireshark, tshark, or other packet analyzers.
Brim is built from open source components, including:
- zq , a structured log query engine;
- Electron and React for multi-platform UI;
- Zeek , to generate network analysis data from packet capture files.
Installing Brim
The easiest way to install Brim is to download the installation package for your platform from the latest release .
Development and contributing
We'd love your help! Please see the contributing guide for development information like building and testing Brim.
Join the Community
Join our Public Slack workspace for announcements, Q&A, and to trade tips!
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Brim: Open-source desktop app to analyze large pcaps through the lens of Zeek》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
(美)海姆 / 金吾伦/刘钢 / 上海科技教育出版社 / 2000-7 / 16.40元
计算机急剧改变了20世纪的生活。今天,我们凭借遍及全球的计算机网络加速了过去以广播、报纸和电视形式进行的交流。思想风驰电掣般在全球翻飞。仅在角落中潜伏着已完善的虚拟实在。在虚拟实在吕,我们能将自己沉浸于感官模拟,不仅对现实世界,也对假想世界。当我们开始在真实世界与虚拟世界之间转换时,迈克尔·海姆问,我们对实在的感觉如何改变?在〈从界面到网络空间〉中,海姆探讨了这一问题,以及信息时代其他哲学问题。他......一起来看看 《从界面到网络空间》 这本书的介绍吧!