内容简介:Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great day today.At DeisLabs, our goal is to build open-source tools for cloud native developers. We developed a tool that we think Kubernetes users will enjoy, and the WebAssembly community will be thrilled to hear about.T
Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great day today.
At DeisLabs, our goal is to build open-source tools for cloud native developers. We developed a tool that we think Kubernetes users will enjoy, and the WebAssembly community will be thrilled to hear about.
Today, we’re excited to announce this new project’s first release: v0.1.0.
We call it Krustlet, a K ubernetes- rust -kube let .
Goals of the project
We built Krustlet to help prove out two things:
- We want to make it easy to deploy WebAssembly workloads on Kubernetes.
- We want to demonstrate to the community how to build architectural pieces of Kubernetes in alternative programming languages. Most programs written for Kubernetes are written in Go. Krustlet is written in Rust.
A comparison of Linux Containers and WebAssembly
Before we can talk about WebAssembly, let’s capture a quick summary of Linux containers.
Linux containers (LXC) provide an OS-level virtualized sandbox. In a nutshell, containers allow you to run multiple isolated Linux systems on a single host. Using certain features from the Linux kernel, it partitions shared resources (memory, CPU, the filesystem) into isolation levels called “namespaces”. The container runs directly on the physical hardware with no emulation and very little overhead (asides from a bit of initialization to set up the namespace). The most popular tool using Linux containers today is Docker . Linux containers are different from a Virtual Machine, where VM management software (VirtualBox, VMware ESXi, etc.) emulates physical hardware, and the VM runs within that emulated environment.
WebAssembly, on the other hand, is an open standard for a new binary format. By design, it is memory-safe, portable, and runs at near-native performance. Code from other languages can be cross-compiled to WebAssembly. Currently, there’s first-class support for Rust, C/C++ and AssemblyScript (a new language built for WebAssembly, compiled against a subset of TypeScript), and many other compilers are in development.
Originally, WebAssembly was written for the browser. Recent developments have shown that developers are starting to push WebAssembly beyond the browser. WebAssembly provides a fast, scalable, and secure way to run the same code across all machines. WASI (the WebAssembly System Interface) is a new standard that extends WebAssembly’s functionality to the OS. By introducing this new layer of abstraction, code can be compiled to WebAssembly and run anywhere that supports the WASI standard. A true “compile once, run anywhere”.
One might be tempted to compare Linux containers to WebAssembly and pit them against each other. This would be unfair to both technologies.
Linux containers are designed to provide an OS-level sandbox environment. They rely on the kernel to provide that sandboxed environment. As a result, code compiled for Intel chipsets cannot run on ARM hardware.
On the other hand, WebAssembly provides a portable binary format that can run anywhere regardless of the underlying hardware. However, it is only a binary format. It does not provide the same flexibility that an OS-level sandbox environment provides.
From our perspective, we see the two technologies as a complementary pair. They each provide their own set of unique advantages and disadvantages. Together, developers can compile their code and run it in a container or compile it straight to WebAssembly depending on their application’s needs and requirements.
Another tool in the toolbox
Here’s where Krustlet comes in.
Krustlet is designed to run as a Kubernetes Kubelet. It’s similar in design to Virtual
. It listens on the Kubernetes API event
stream for new pods. Based on specific Kubernetes tolerations
, the
Kubernetes API will schedule pods onto Krustlet, which in turn runs them under a WASI-based runtime
(more specifically, either
depending on which Runtime
they choose).
Thanks to new, actively developing projects like the WASI standard and waSCC, some codebases can be compiled to WebAssembly and run on the server.
As mentioned earlier, we see both WebAssembly and Linux containers as a complementary pair. Krustlet is not intended to replace the Kubelet. When run together, clients can run both traditional Linux container workloads and WebAssembly workloads in the same cluster. Applications written in WebAssembly can communicate with applications compiled in Linux containers, and both type of workloads can interact with the rest of the cluster in a similar manner.
(Tomorrow, we’ll post another article about how to think about the project at a high level and introduce major players in the space. Keep an eye out if you’re interested.)
A Kubernetes component, in Rust
Over the last several months, our team has been writing more and more Kubernetes-specific code in Rust. Even though Kubernetes itself was written in Go, we are finding that we can typically write more concise, readable, and stable Kubernetes code in Rust. Matt Butcher wrote an article demonstrating how to write a CRD Controller in Rust , and Radu has been writing several articles on compiling Go libraries as a shared library for re-use across other languages , as well as writing new WASI syscalls for wasmtime .
We took this time to prove that we could achieve something that seemed incredibly difficult a few months ago: writing projects against the Kubernetes API in languages other than Go.
Krustlet in action
Assuming we’ve already got a Kubernetes cluster running and a correctly configured kubectl
installing Krustlet is a piece of cake. Follow the quickstart
in Krustlet’s
documentation, and you’re ready to get started.
Krustlet registers itself as a Kubernetes Node. The first time you run Krustlet, it will automatically register itself with Kubernetes, ready to schedule WebAssembly workloads:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME aks-agentpool-81651327-vmss000000 Ready agent 3h32m v1.17.3 <none> Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS 4.15.0-1071-azure docker://3.0.10+azure krustlet Ready agent 11s v1.17.0 <none> <unknown> <unknown> mvp
Once it has registered itself with the cluster, feel free to give any of the demos a try:
$ kubectl apply -f demos/wasi/hello-world-rust/k8s.yaml
We can wait for the pod to become ready:
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/hello-world-wasi-rust
And we can inspect its logs:
$ kubectl logs hello-world-wasi-rust hello from stdout! hello from stderr! CONFIG_MAP_VAL=cool stuff FOO=bar POD_NAME=hello-world-wasi-rust Args are: []
When we are finished, we can remove it with kubectl delete
$ kubectl delete hello-world-wasi-rust
Finishing thoughts
We set out to build a tool that introduces new technology to Kubernetes. We wanted to make it possible for the Kubernetes developer to run new types of workloads. We hoped to build something that seasoned developers will not only use, but hopefully take away new learnings from the project.
We have just announced the very first release for Krustlet: v0.1.0. It’s ready for you to try out and experiment. Best of all, it’s entirely open source . But we’re not done yet. The first iteration was to prove it was possible to run WebAssembly on Kubernetes. As we look to v0.2.0, we’re looking to expand Krustlet’s functionality, like supporting volume mounts, providing more examples, and expanding Krustlet’s documentation. We will share more details in the coming months.
Thanks for reading, and see you on GitHub!
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