内容简介:Last year we introduced thedeveloper preview of the Local Home SDK, a suite of local technologies to enhance your smart home integration with Google Assistant by adding local fulfillment. Since then, we've been hard at work incorporating your feedback and
Last year we introduced thedeveloper preview of the Local Home SDK, a suite of local technologies to enhance your smart home integration with Google Assistant by adding local fulfillment. Since then, we've been hard at work incorporating your feedback and getting the experience ready for production. Starting today, we're exiting developer preview and allowing you to submit local fulfillment apps along with your smart home Action through the Actions console using Local Home SDK v1.0.
Adding local fulfillment for your smart home Action.
As part of the Smart Home platform , local fulfillment extends your smart home Action and routes commands to devices through the local network, benefitting users with reduced latency and higher reliability. If a local path cannot be successfully established, commands fall back to your cloud fulfillment.
The Local Home SDK v1.0 supports discovery of local devices over Wi-Fi using the mDNS, UDP, or UPnP protocols. Once a local path is established, apps can send commands to devices using TCP, UDP, or HTTP. For more details on the API changes in SDK v1.0, check out the changelog .
Multi-scan configurations
Along with this release, we've also improved the scan configurations in the Actions console based on your feedback. You can now enter multiple scan configurations for a given project, enabling your local fulfillment app to handle multiple device families that may be using different discovery protocols.New multi-scan configuration UI.
The new interface groups scan attributes by protocol and highlights required fields, making it clearer how to properly configure your project.
Submit your app
The Local Home SDK configuration page in the Actions console now accepts JavaScript bundles for your local fulfillment app. When you are ready to publish your app, upload your JavaScript files to the console and submit your Action. For more details on submitting your smart home Action for review, see the smart home launch guide .
Upload your local fulfillment app.
We've updated the test suite for smart home to support local fulfillment as well. Be sure to self-test your local fulfillment before submitting your updated smart home Action for review. You must provide updated test suite results with your certification request when you submit.
Get started
To learn more about enhancing your smart home Actions with local fulfillment, check out the Introduction to Local Home SDK and the developer guide . Build your first local fulfillment app with the codelab , and go deeper with the samples and API reference .
We want to hear from you, so continue sharing your feedback with us through the issue tracker , and engage with other smart home developers in the /r/GoogleAssistantDev community. Follow @ActionsOnGoogle on Twitter for more of our team's updates, and tweet using #AoGDevs to share what you’re working on. We can’t wait to see what you build!
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Local Home SDK Ready for Actions》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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