sidekick is a high-performance sidecar load-balancer. By attaching a tiny load balancer as a sidecar to each of the client application processes, you can eliminate the centralized loadbalancer bottleneck and DNS failover management. sidekick automatically avoids sending traffic to the failed servers by checking their health via the readiness API and HTTP error returns.
Table of Contents
Download Binary Releases for various platforms.
USAGE: sidekick [FLAGS] ENDPOINTs... sidekick [FLAGS] ENDPOINT{1...N} FLAGS: --address value, -a value listening address for sidekick (default: ":8080") --health-path value, -p value health check path --health-duration value, -d value health check duration in seconds (default: 5) --insecure, -i disable TLS certificate verification --log , -l enable logging --trace, -t enable HTTP tracing --quiet disable console messages --json output sidekick logs and trace in json format --debug output verbose trace --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version
- Load balance across a web service using DNS provided IPs.
$ sidekick --health-path=/ready http://myapp.myorg.dom
- Load balance across 4 MinIO Servers ( http://minio1:9000 to http://minio4:9000 )
$ sidekick --health-path=/minio/health/ready --address :8000 http://minio{1...4}:9000
- Load balance across 16 MinIO Servers ( http://minio1:9000 to http://minio16:9000 )
$ sidekick --health-path=/minio/health/ready http://minio{1...16}:9000
Realworld Example with spark-orchestrator
As spark driver , executor sidecars, to begin with install spark-operator and MinIO on your kubernetes cluster
optionalcreate a kubernetes namespace spark-operator
kubectl create ns spark-operator
Configure spark-orchestrator
We shall be using maintained spark operator by GCP at
helm repo add incubator helm install spark-operator incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set sparkJobNamespace=spark-operator --set enableWebhook=true
Install MinIO
helm install minio-distributed stable/minio --namespace spark-operator --set accessKey=minio,secretKey=minio123,persistence.enabled=false,mode=distributed
NOTE: persistence is disabled here for testing, make sure you are using persistence with PVs for production workload. For more details read our helm documentation
Once minio-distributed is up and running configure mc
and upload some data, we shall choose mybucket
as our bucketname.
Port-forward to access minio-cluster locally.
kubectl port-forward pod/minio-distributed-0 9000
Create bucket named mybucket
and upload some text data for spark word count sample.
mc config host add minio-distributed http://localhost:9000 minio minio123 mc mb minio-distributed/mybucket mc cp /etc/hosts minio-distributed/mybucket/mydata/{1..4}.txt
Run the spark job
apiVersion: "" kind: SparkApplication metadata: name: spark-minio-app namespace: spark-operator spec: sparkConf: spark.kubernetes.allocation.batch.size: "50" hadoopConf: "fs.s3a.endpoint": "" "fs.s3a.access.key": "minio" "fs.s3a.secret.key": "minio123" "": "true" "fs.s3a.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem" type: Scala sparkVersion: 2.4.5 mode: cluster image: minio/spark:v2.4.5-hadoop-3.1 imagePullPolicy: Always restartPolicy: type: OnFailure onFailureRetries: 3 onFailureRetryInterval: 10 onSubmissionFailureRetries: 5 onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval: 20 mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount mainApplicationFile: "local:///opt/spark/examples/target/original-spark-examples_2.11-2.4.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" arguments: - "s3a://mytestbucket/mydata" driver: cores: 1 coreLimit: "1000m" memory: "512m" labels: version: 2.4.5 sidecars: - name: minio-lb image: "minio/sidekick:v0.1.4" imagePullPolicy: Always args: ["--health-path", "/minio/health/ready", "--address", ":9000", "http://minio-distributed-{0...3}.minio-distributed-svc.spark-operator.svc.cluster.local:9000"] ports: - containerPort: 9000 executor: cores: 1 instances: 4 memory: "512m" labels: version: 2.4.5 sidecars: - name: minio-lb image: "minio/sidekick:v0.1.4" imagePullPolicy: Always args: ["--health-path", "/minio/health/ready", "--address", ":9000", "http://minio-distributed-{0...3}.minio-distributed-svc.spark-operator.svc.cluster.local:9000"] ports: - containerPort: 9000
kubectl create -f spark-job.yaml kubectl logs -f --namespace spark-operator spark-minio-app-driver spark-kubernetes-driver
- S3 Cache : Use an S3 compatible object storage for shared cache storage
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《minio/sidekick》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
麦凯 / 高等教育出版社 / 2006-7 / 59.00元
本书是英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室的著名学者David J.C.MacKay博士总结多年教学经验和科研成果,于2003年推出的一部力作。本书作者不仅透彻地论述了传统信息论的内容和最新编码算法,而且以高度的学科驾驭能力,匠心独具地在一个统一框架下讨论了贝叶斯数据建模、蒙特卡罗方法、聚类算法、神经网络等属于机器学习和推理领域的主题,从而很好地将诸多学科的技术内涵融会贯通。本书注重理论与实际的结合,内容组......一起来看看 《信息论、推理与学习算法》 这本书的介绍吧!