React in 33 lines

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:It also does a load of other crap as well, but we're going to ignore that.In this post, I'm going to make the smallest React-like thing that can do the above. It's very

33 line React


  • you pass in a function that takes state and returns a virtual DOM (just a tree of plain ol' js objects)
  • it renders that virtual DOM as a real DOM in the browser
  • if you change the state, it runs the function again, this returns a new virtual DOM
  • it efficiently updates the real DOM so that it matches the new virtual DOM

It also does a load of other crap as well, but we're going to ignore that.

In this post, I'm going to make the smallest React-like thing that can do the above. It's very mithril influenced.

Here is a sample calendar picker application that uses the library .

Lots of the code looks pretty code-golfy - I promise I don't do stuff like this at work, neither should you :-)

Noughts and crosses

We're going to make this noughts and crosses game:

Now let's look at the code to this, you can also just view the page source if you want.

let currentPlayer = 'o'
let winner = null
const g = [['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['', '', '']]  // grid

const move = (value, i, j)=>{
    // ... game logic goes here

const Cell = (value, i, j)=>m('button.cell',
    {onclick: ()=>move(value, i, j)}, value
const Noughts = ()=>m('',
        ? m('marquee', `winner: ${winner}`)
        : m('h3', `current player: ${currentPlayer}`),
        (row, i)=>m('tr',
            (value, j)=>m('td', {class: value}, Cell(value, i, j)))))),

const renderNoughts = ()=>m.render(
    {children: [Noughts()]},

Cute, so what's going on?

First we defined some state:

let currentPlayer = 'o'
let winner = null
const g = [['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['', '', '']]  // grid

These hold the state of our game, we will mutate them.

const move = (value, i, j){...}

This function makes a move in the game, it takes 'x' or 'o' along with 2 integer coordinates. It will mutate all the state variables to reflect the new state of the game. After that, it calls renderNoughts() , this is a call to rerender the game - but we'll come back to that.

Next we define the functions that return virtual DOMs, Noughts and Cell .

The m(...) calls take:

  • a tag name (eg. 'tr' ), with . -separated class names
  • (optionally) a {string: any} object containing all the attributes to attach to the DOM node
  • an arbitrarily nested list of children - these are other virtual DOM nodes or strings of text
And return virtual DOM elements, for example, calling Noughts()

would return:

    tag: 'div',
    attrs: {},
    classes: [],
    children: [
            tag: 'h3',
            attrs: {},
            classes: [],
            children: [
                'current player: x'
            tag: 'table',
            attrs: {},
            classes: [],
            children: [
                    tag: 'tr',
                    attrs: {},
                    classes: [],
                    children: [

Next we make the function renderNoughts() , when you call it, it will call our Noughts function, and attempt to efficiently render the resulting virtual DOM onto document.getElementById('noughts')

How does m work?

Here's the source with and without comments.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《React in 33 lines》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






Brendan Gregg / 徐章宁、吴寒思、陈磊 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-8-15 / 128

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