内容简介:TypeScript2Cxx is licensed under the MIT license.Want to chat with other members of the TypeScript to C++ community?create file test.ts
TypeScript to C++
TypeScript2Cxx is licensed under the MIT license.
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Want to chat with other members of the TypeScript to C++ community?
Quick Start
- Build Project
npm install npm run build
- Compile test.ts
create file test.ts
class Person { protected name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name; } } class Employee extends Person { private department: string; constructor(name: string, department: string) { super(name); this.department = department; } public get ElevatorPitch() { return `Hello, my name is ${this.name} and I work in ${this.department}.`; } } const howard = new Employee("Howard", "Sales"); console.log(howard.ElevatorPitch);
node __out\main.js test.ts
Now you have test.cpp and test.h
#ifndef TEST_H #define TEST_H #include "core.h" using namespace js; class Person; class Employee; class Person : public object { public: string name; Person(string name); }; class Employee : public Person { public: string department; Employee(string name, string department); virtual any get_ElevatorPitch(); Employee(string name); }; extern Employee* howard; #endif
#include "test.h" using namespace js; Person::Person(string name) { this->name = name; } Employee::Employee(string name, string department) : Person(name) { this->department = department; } any Employee::get_ElevatorPitch() { return "Hello, my name is "_S + this->name + " and I work in "_S + this->department + "."_S; } Employee::Employee(string name) : Person(name) { } Employee* howard = new Employee("Howard"_S, "Sales"_S); void Main(void) { console->log(howard->get_ElevatorPitch()); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Main(); return 0; }
- Compile it.
cl /W3 /GR /EHsc /std:c++latest /Fe:test.exe /I ../cpplib ../cpplib/core.cpp test.cpp
- Run it.
Hello, my name is Howard and I work in Sales.
Enjoy it.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《TypeScript to C++》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
The NSHipster Fake Book (Objective-C)
Mattt Thompson / NSHipster Portland, Oregon / 2014 / USD 19.00
Fake Books are an indispensable tool for jazz musicians. They contain the melody, rhythm, and chord changes for hundreds of standards, allowing a player to jump into any session cold, and "fake it" th......一起来看看 《The NSHipster Fake Book (Objective-C)》 这本书的介绍吧!