1、capture-and-analyze.py - 对目标接口进行一段时间的数据捕捉,并上传捕捉到的数据以供后续分析。 2、upload-and-analyze.py - 将捕捉到的数据包上传至PacketTotal.com进行后续分析 3、trigger-and-analyze.py - 监听未知连接,并在建立连接时开始数据捕捉,完成捕捉后会自动上传并分析。
使用该 工具 集所捕捉到的任何流量或数据包都将被上传并完全公开可获取。
1、目前HoneyBot仅支持.pcap和.pcapng文件; 2、最大支持的数据包大小为6MB;
如需了解更多关于HoneyBot的信息,请参考 PacketTotal.com 。
1、设置蜜罐环境,并直接将捕捉到的网络流量上传至PacketTotal.com以供分析; 2、分析个人的恶意PCAP库; 3、一次性判断数百个数据包是否具有恶意性; 4、自动分析/共享蜜罐环境捕捉到的数据包; 5、自动化恶意软件分析/分类;
1、必须安装 WireShark ,如果你是在基于 Linux 的操作系统上使用HoneyBot的话,你可以直接安装t-shark:
apt-get install tshark
2、需要使用 Python 3.5 或更高版本;
3、在使用这些脚本之前,必须申请一个 API密钥 ;
pip install -r requirements.txt python setup.py install
usage: capture-and-analyze.py [-h] [--seconds SECONDS] [--interface INTERFACE] [--analyze] [--list-interfaces] [--list-pcaps] [--export-pcaps] Capture, upload and analyze network traffic; powered by PacketTotal.com. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --seconds SECONDS The number of seconds to capture traffic for. --interface INTERFACE The name of the interface (--list-interfaces to show available) --analyze If included, capture will be uploaded for analysis to PacketTotal.com. --list-interfaces Lists the available interfaces. --list-pcaps Lists pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis. --export-pcaps Writes pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis to a csv file.
usage: upload-and-analyze.py [-h] [--path PATH [PATH ...]] [--analyze] [--list-pcaps] [--export-pcaps] Upload and analyze .pcap/.pcapng files in bulk; powered by PacketTotal.com. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --path PATH [PATH ...] One or more paths to pcap or directory of pcaps. --analyze If included, capture will be uploaded for analysis to PacketTotal.com. --list-pcaps Lists pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis. --export-pcaps Writes pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis to a csv file.
usage: trigger-and-analyze.py [-h] [--interface INTERFACE] [--learn LEARN] [--listen] [--capture-seconds CAPTURE_SECONDS] [--list-interfaces] [--list-pcaps] [--export-pcaps] Listen for unknown connections, and begin capturing when one is made. Captures are automatically uploaded and analyzed; powered by PacketTotal.com optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --interface INTERFACE The name of the interface (--list-interfaces to show available) --learn LEARN The number of seconds from which to build the known connections whitelist. Connections in this whitelist will be ignored. --listen If included, we will begin listening for unknown connections, and immediately starting a packet capture and uploading to PacketTotal.com for analysis. --capture-seconds CAPTURE_SECONDS The number of seconds worth of network traffic to capture and analyze after a trigger has fired. --list-interfaces Lists the available interfaces. --list-pcaps Lists pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis. --export-pcaps Writes pcaps submitted to PacketTotal.com for analysis to a csv file.
HoneyBot:【 GitHub传送门 】
* 参考来源: PacketTotal ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自FreeBuf.COM
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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