内容简介:A long time ago, I wroteIt’s been five more months. I don’t think I really want to write out the third part; I expected this to be a quick series of blog posts, not something that was on my plate for a year and a half. Here’s the thesis of part 3:I honestl
A long time ago, I wrote “Should you learn C to “learn how the computer works”?” . This was part 1 in a three part series. A year later, I got around to part 2, ““C is not how the computer works” can lead to inefficient code” .
It’s been five more months. I don’t think I really want to write out the third part; I expected this to be a quick series of blog posts, not something that was on my plate for a year and a half. Here’s the thesis of part 3:
Part three is going to show what happens if you make a mistake with the ideas from part two. If you incorrectly assume that C’s abstract model maps directly to hardware, you can make mistakes. This is where UB gets dangerous. While you can take advantages of some properties of the machine you’re relying on, you have to know which ones fit within C’s model and which ones don’t.
I honestly don’t feel like writing more than that, so I’m just gonna leave it there. Basically, the overall thrust of this series has been this: C is not the hardware, it’s an abstract machine. But that machine runs on real hardware, and abstractions are leaky. If you go too far into “purely only the abstract machine,” you may not be able to accomplish your tasks. If you go too far into “C runs directly on the hardware,” you may be surprised when a compiler does something that you didn’t expect.
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茶文 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-7 / 49.00元
《互联网爆破术:快速掌握互联网运营全链条实战技巧》是一本实用的互联网运营书籍,可以让读者快速掌握运营全链条的干货技巧和相关模型,涵盖如何有效寻找市场的需求爆破点,通过测试一步步放大并引爆,直至赢利。《互联网爆破术:快速掌握互联网运营全链条实战技巧》非常适合互联网运营人员及互联网创业者阅读,它可以帮读者快速了解互联网运营的核心技巧,并用最低的成本取得成功。本书5大特色:快速入门、实战干货、低成本、系......一起来看看 《互联网爆破术:快速掌握互联网运营全链条实战技巧》 这本书的介绍吧!