Launch HN: Pillarlus (YC W20) – Automatically create construction blueprints

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:). We build software to automate the creation of construction blueprints. Specifically, our software generates engineering blueprints for air conditioning, ducting, fire, electrical, and plumbing services over the floor plan of the building. MEP (Mechanica
Hey HN, we’re Naman and Rushil, founders of PillarPlus (

). We build software to automate the creation of construction blueprints. Specifically, our software generates engineering blueprints for air conditioning, ducting, fire, electrical, and plumbing services over the floor plan of the building. MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) designs are a set of 15 technical drawings. We got started in India and are currently operating there, but MEP is standard enough that the software can apply to Western markets also, given that we have incorporated international building codes.

Architects and contractors hire consultants, who still design the building manually. Complete dependence on human effort results in a process that is slow, error-prone and unreliable. Also, the number of consultants is limited resulting in higher fees, long delivery times and difficulty accessing the services.

Rushil started practicing architecture and had troubles dealing with the available MEP firms for his own projects. Naman built an optimization software for the Indian Railways. We’ve been friends for 13 years, and often discuss our problems and achievements. Naman hacked a prototype for plumbing drainage plans that worked perfectly over Rushil’s project, and got us excited about the possibility of such a software.

Our software takes in the floor plan as the input, understands the building and designs the MEP services like an engineer would. A month of engineer’s work gets cut down to a day. We require artificial intelligence algorithms to decipher the floor plan, constraint modelling techniques to encode building codes, routing methods to create pipe paths and optimization algorithms to minimize material wastage.

The software even calculates bill of materials with project cost estimates. It is important to note that MEP accounts for 25% of all project costs! Since the quantity of materials is huge, selecting the right items and vendors is a challenge in an unorganized sector like construction. We recommend what products to install and which brands to choose, as per geographic locations and availability.

The input to our software is the building’s floor plan. The floor plan gives us complete data of the building, with which we can do a lot more. We can generate structural blueprints, 3D models, and create interior design renders!

We're eager to hear feedback and answer questions. Do share your experiences from the construction industry, and your opinion on the use of software to make construction work more efficient.

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[美] Luke Wroblewski / 卢颐、高韵蓓 / 清华大学出版社 / 2010-6 / 49.00元

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