内容简介:Elasticsearch V5.1.1安装IK分词
[vagrant@testLnmp2 tmp]$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty' -d '大家好,本站的网站是www.codercto.com'
"tokens" : [ {
"token" : "大",
"start_offset" : 0,
"end_offset" : 1,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 0
}, {
"token" : "家",
"start_offset" : 1,
"end_offset" : 2,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 1
}, {
"token" : "好",
"start_offset" : 2,
"end_offset" : 3,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 2
}, {
"token" : "本",
"start_offset" : 4,
"end_offset" : 5,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 3
}, {
"token" : "站",
"start_offset" : 5,
"end_offset" : 6,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 4
}, {
"token" : "的",
"start_offset" : 6,
"end_offset" : 7,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 5
}, {
"token" : "网",
"start_offset" : 7,
"end_offset" : 8,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 6
}, {
"token" : "站",
"start_offset" : 8,
"end_offset" : 9,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 7
}, {
"token" : "是",
"start_offset" : 9,
"end_offset" : 10,
"type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>",
"position" : 8
}, {
"token" : "www.codercto.com",
"start_offset" : 10,
"end_offset" : 26,
"type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
"position" : 9
} ]
正常情况下,这不是我们想要的结果,比如我们更希望 “大家好”,“网址”等这样的分词,这样我们就需要安装中文分词插件,ik就是实现这个功能的。
elasticsearch-analysis-ik 是一款中文的分词插件,支持自定义词库。
这里我们来介绍一下 ik 分词插件的安装。
1、下载 ik 插件
这里需要注意 ik 版本要 ES 版本对应
wget https://github.com/medcl/elasticsearch-analysis-ik/releases/download/v6.1.1/elasticsearch-analysis-ik-6.1.1.zip
unzip elasticsearch-analysis-ik-6.1.1.zip
3、在 ES plugins 目录创建目录
mkdir analysis-ik
4、移动插件代码到 plugins 目录
mv * analysis-ik
5、重启 ES
[vagrant@testLnmp2 plugins]$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty&analyzer=ik_max_word' -d '大家好,本站的网站是www.codercto.com'
"tokens" : [
"token" : "大家好",
"start_offset" : 0,
"end_offset" : 3,
"type" : "CN_WORD",
"position" : 0
"token" : "大家",
"start_offset" : 0,
"end_offset" : 2,
"type" : "CN_WORD",
"position" : 1
"token" : "好",
"start_offset" : 2,
"end_offset" : 3,
"type" : "CN_CHAR",
"position" : 2
"token" : "本站",
"start_offset" : 4,
"end_offset" : 6,
"type" : "CN_WORD",
"position" : 3
"token" : "的",
"start_offset" : 6,
"end_offset" : 7,
"type" : "CN_CHAR",
"position" : 4
"token" : "网站",
"start_offset" : 7,
"end_offset" : 9,
"type" : "CN_WORD",
"position" : 5
"token" : "是",
"start_offset" : 9,
"end_offset" : 10,
"type" : "CN_CHAR",
"position" : 6
"token" : "www.codercto.com",
"start_offset" : 10,
"end_offset" : 26,
"type" : "LETTER",
"position" : 7
"token" : "www",
"start_offset" : 10,
"end_offset" : 13,
"type" : "ENGLISH",
"position" : 8
"token" : "codercto",
"start_offset" : 14,
"end_offset" : 22,
"type" : "ENGLISH",
"position" : 9
"token" : "com",
"start_offset" : 23,
"end_offset" : 26,
"type" : "ENGLISH",
"position" : 10
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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