内容简介:Most people use vim in two stupid dimensions. But not me. I use it in three:To run it,
Most people use vim in two stupid dimensions. But not me. I use it in three:
To run it, install Nim , and from this repo do:
nimble run vim3
Once you're ready to start using it as your main editor, do:
nimble install
As long as ~/.nimble/bin
is on your PATH, you will now be able to open files like this:
vim3 path/to/myfile.txt
Q & A
How do i acquire your power?
It's not that hard
How do i stop the cube from spinning
I don't even have vim installed, how is this possible?
It's using paravim which has a real copy of vim built in
Which OS does it work on?
All of them pretty much
Why can't i run it on linux?
Could be you need opengl libraries, try sudo apt install xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
You might also need to do sudo apt install libtinfo5
I use arch btw
Try this: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.6 /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.5
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
闫荣 / 机械工业出版社 / 2016-4 / 69.00
本书第一版出版后广获好评,应广大读者要求,作者把自己在实践中新近总结的10个关于产品的最佳实践融入到了这本新书中。这"10件事"侧重于深挖产品需求和产品疯传背后的秘密,配合之前的"50件事",不仅能帮产品经理打造出让用户尖叫并疯传的产品,还能帮助产品经理迅速全方位提升自己的能力。 本书作者有超过10年的产品工作经验,在互联网产品领域公认的大咖,这本书从产品经理核心素养、产品认知、战略与规划、......一起来看看 《产品心经:产品经理应该知道的60件事(第2版)》 这本书的介绍吧!