内容简介:vue-autoui 是一款基于控件可以直接在vuejs功能中使用,但需要结合功能很简单就是显示当前输入并验证通过的数据,下面用json描述信息输入源。
vue-autoui 是一款基于 vue
和 element
扩展的一个自动化UI控件,它主要提供两个控件封装分别是 auto-form
和 auto-grid
; 通过这两个控件可以完成大多数的信息输入和查询输出的需要. auto-form
和 auto-grid
是通过 json
来描述展示的结构,在处理上要比写 html
标签来得方便简单, 但这控件的最大优势并不是在这里,它最重要的功能是可以结合 webapi
的信息来自动输出界面,只需要调整 webapi
控件可以直接在vuejs功能中使用,但需要结合 json
<auto-form ref="form" v-model="data" size="mini" :info="info"> </auto-form> <el-button @click="if($refs.form.success()){alert(JSON.stringify(data))}">确定</el-button>
data(){ return { info: { items: [] }, data: { }, }; }, mounted(){ var items = []; items.push({ name: 'active', label: '活动名称', rules: [ { required: true, message: '请输入活动名称', trigger: 'blur' }, { min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度在 3 到 5 个字符', trigger: 'blur' } ] }); items.push({ name: 'region', label: '活动区域', type: 'select', data: [{ value: '广州' }, { value: '深圳' }, { value: '上海' }, { value: '北京' }], rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择活动区域', trigger: 'change' }], eof: true }); items.push({ name: 'starttime', label: '开启时间', type: 'date', rules: [{ type: 'date', required: true, message: '请选择日期', trigger: 'change' }] }); items.push({ name: 'endtime', label: '-', type: 'date', eof: true, rules: [{ type: 'date', required: true, message: '请选择日期', trigger: 'change' }] }); items.push({ name: 'instant', type: 'switch', label: '即时配送', eof: true }); items.push({ name: 'nature', type: 'checkbox', label: '活动性质', rules: [{ type: 'array', required: true, message: '请至少选择一个活动性质', trigger: 'change' }], data: [{ value: '美食/餐厅线上活动' }, { value: '地推活动' }, { value: '线下主题活动' }, { value: '单纯品牌暴光' }], eof: true }); items.push({ name: 'resource', label: '特殊资源', type: 'radio', rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择活动资源', trigger: 'change' }], data: [{ value: '线上品牌商赞助' }, { value: '线下场地免费' }], eof: true }); items.push({ name: 'remark', label: '活动形式', type: 'remark', rules: [{ required: true, message: '请填写活动形式', trigger: 'blur' }] }) this.info = { items: items} }
以上是使用 json
虽然用 json
来描述界面会比 html
描述会方便一些,但总体上来说工作量还是有些大的,在调整界面的时候也不方便。接下介绍一下如何结合 BeetleX.FastHttpApi
其实在构建 vue-autoui
的时候更多是考虑和 BeetleX.FastHttpApi
进行一个整合,通过和后端融合可以把这些UI编写的工作量大大节省下来,让开发这些功能变得更简单方便, 更重要的是api变化后界面就自动适应
。使用要求:在和 BeetleX.FastHttpApi
整合还需要引用 BeetleX.FastHttpApi.ApiDoc
插件,因为这个插件用于给接口输出对应UI的 JSON
登陆功能是比较常见的,接下来看一下使用 auto-form
如何结合 webapi
<div> <auto-form ref="login" url="/login" v-model="login.data" size="mini"> </auto-form> <el-button size="mini" @click="if($refs.login.success())login.post()"> 登陆 </el-button> </div>
以上是一个登陆功能UI的定义,是不是很简单呢?通过指定 url
[Input(Label = "用户名", Name = "name", Eof = true)] [Required("用户名不能为空", Name = "name")] [Input(Label = "密码", Name = "pwd", Type = "password", Eof = true)] [Required("用户密码不能为空", Name = "pwd")] [Input(Label = "保存状态", Value = true, Name = "saveStatus")] public bool Login(string name, string pwd, bool saveStatus) { Console.WriteLine($"name:{name} pwd:{pwd} saveStatus:{saveStatus}"); return name == "admin"; }
<div> <auto-form ref="login" url="/register" v-model="register.data" size="mini" @completed="onCompleted"> </auto-form> <el-button size="mini" @click="if($refs.login.success())register.post()"> 注册 </el-button> </div>
在UI定义上基于没什么变化,只是调整一下对应的 url
地址,在这里多了一下 completed
事件,这个事件主要是通过接口加载UI信息才会触发的。对应功能的 javascript
data(){ return { register: new beetlexAction('/register', {}), checkConfirmPassword: (rule, value, callback) => { var password = this.$refs.login.getField('Password'); var cpassword = this.$refs.login.getField('ConfirmPassword'); if (password.value != cpassword.value) callback(new Error('确认密码不正确!')); else callback(); }, } }, methods: { onCompleted(){ this.$refs.login.getField('ConfirmPassword').rules.push({ validator: this.checkConfirmPassword, trigger: 'blur' }); }, }, mounted() { this.register.requested = (r) => { alert(JSON.stringify(r)); }; }
[Post] public RegisterDto Register(RegisterDto register) { Console.WriteLine(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(register)); return register; } public class RegisterDto { [Input(Label = "用户名", Eof = true)] [Required("用户名不能为空")] [DataRange("用户名的必须大于3个字符", Min = 3)] public string Name { get; set; } [Input(Label = "邮箱地址", Eof = true)] [Required("邮件地址无效", Type = "email")] public string Email { get; set; } [Input(Label = "密码", Eof = true, Type = "password")] [Required("输入密码")] public string Password { get; set; } [Input(Label = "确认密码", Eof = true, Type = "password")] [Required("输入确认密码")] public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; } [GenderInput(Label = "性别", Value = "男", Eof = true)] public string Gender { get; set; } [Required("选择所在城市")] [CityInput(Label = "城市", Eof = true)] public string City { get; set; } [HobbyInput(Label = "爱好")] [Required("选择爱好", Type = "array", Trigger = "change")] public string[] Hobby { get; set; } }
有应用中除了数据输出外更多的数据列表, auto-grid
<auto-grid url="/employees" @completed="employees.get()" @itemchange="onItemChange" @itemdelete="onItemDelete" @command="onCommand" :data="employees.result" size="mini" height="100%" edit="true" delete="true"> </auto-grid>
data(){ return { employees: new beetlexAction('/employees', {}, []) } }, methods: { onCommand(e){ this.$open('models-employee', e.data); }, onItemChange(item){ if (confirm('是否要修改' + item.data.FirstName + '?')) { item.success(); } }, onItemDelete(item){ if (confirm('是否要删除' + item.data.FirstName + '?')) { item.success(); } }, }, mounted() { }
接下来的工作就是在服务端定义 api
[Column("FirstName", Type = "link")] [Column("LastName", Read = true)] [Column("Title")] [Column("HomePhone")] [Column("City")] [Column("Address")] public object Employees() { return DataHelper.Defalut.Employees; }
实际应用中需要提供查询条件输入,这个时候就可以把 auto-form
和 auto-grid
<auto-form url="/orders" v-model="orders.data" @completed="orders.get()" size="mini" @fieldchange="orders.get()"> </auto-form> <auto-grid url="/orders" height="300" :data="orders.result.items" :pages="orders.result.pages" :currentpage="orders.result.index" @pagechange="onPageChange" size="mini"> </auto-grid>
可以在 auto-form
的 fieldchange
data(){ return { orders: new beetlexAction("/orders", {}, { index: 0, pages: 0, items: [] }) }; }, methods: { onPageChange(page){ this.orders.data.index = page; this.orders.get(); }, }, mounted(){ }
[Input(Name = "id", Type = "select", DataUrl = "/EmployeeSelecter", Label = "雇员",NullOption =true)] [Input(Name = "customerid", Type = "select", DataUrl = "/CustomerSelecter", Label = "客户",NullOption =true, Eof = true)] [SizeInput(Name = "size", Label = "分页记录数")] [Input(Name = "index", Hide = true)] [Column("OrderID", Read = true)] [Column("EmployeeID", Type = "select", DataUrl = "/EmployeeSelecter")] [Column("CustomerID", Type = "select", DataUrl = "/CustomerSelecter")] [Column("OrderDate", Type = "date")] [Column("RequiredDate", Type = "date")] [Column("ShippedDate", Type = "date")] public object Orders(int id, string customerid, int index, int size, IHttpContext context) { Func<Order, bool> exp = o => (id == 0 || o.EmployeeID == id) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid) || o.CustomerID == customerid); int count = DataHelper.Defalut.Orders.Count(exp); if (size == 0) size = 20; int pages = count / size; if (count % size > 0) pages++; var items = DataHelper.Defalut.Orders.Where(exp).Skip(index * size).Take(size); return new { pages, index, items }; }
插件详细代码 https://github.com/IKende/BeetleX-Samples/tree/master/Web.AutoUI
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《vue-autoui自匹配webapi的UI控件》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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