SpicyPass – A free and open-source minimalist password manager

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:SpicyPassis a light-weight password manager that utilizes state of the art cryptography and minimalist design principles for secure and simple password storage.You will need to

SpicyPassis a light-weight password manager that utilizes state of the art cryptography and minimalist design principles for secure and simple password storage.

SpicyPass – A free and open-source minimalist password manager


  • Both a command-line and graphical interface to choose from
  • An idle lock that prompts the user for their password after a period of inactivity
  • A cryptographically secure random password generator that maximizes entropy
  • The ability to copy passwords to the clipboard without revealing them on the screen
  • Data is automatically encrypted on disk - no setup required
  • Completely offline and free of any potential internet-facing attack vectors



You will need to install the libsodium cryptography library (version >= 1.0.13). If you wish to compile with support for the graphical interface you will additionally need the GTK3 development library (version >= 3.0).

On Unix-like systems you will also need cmake (version >= 3.10) and pkg-config . To compile, you will need either gcc (version >= 7.0) or clang (version >= 5.0). Other modern C++ compilers will probably work but are not officially supported.


Unix-like systems

Once you have all the dependencies installed on your system, clone this repository and navigate to its base directory. Execute the following commands:

mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo make install


Windows is presently in an experimental stage and only has support for the command line interface. The CMake configuration does not currently support Windows, and only static builds of libsodium work. Building natively with Microsoft© Visual Studio™ is straight-forward. Just be sure to set the appropriate libsodium headers and static libraries, and set the language standard to C++17.


There is no uninstall command. However you can manually uninstall SpicyPass by deleting all of the files listed in the install_manifest.txt file, which resides in the _build directory.



All cryptography functions are supplied by the open source libsodium library.

On first run, a 256-bit secret key is derived from a master password along with a randomly generated 128-bit salt using the Argon2id v1.3 hash algorithm. This algorithm was designed to resist brute force and side-channel attacks. All subsequent logins will require the master password.

Data is encrypted with the XChaCha20 symmetric cipher and authenticated with the Poly1305 message authentication code. When combined, these algorithms ensure both the security and integrity of the pass store file contents.

Memory Safety

All sensitive data, including passwords and private keys, are only held in memory when necessary. When SpicyPass is closed, all sensitive data is securely wiped from memory. If SpicyPass is left running idle, all sensitive data is securely wiped from memory, and the user will be prompted for their master password in order to continue their session. These features ensure that if intruders get access to your device they will be unable to access your information through a running session or by inspecting the device's memory.

The Pass Store File

All program data is stored in a single file named .spicypass . On Unix-like systems this file is located in the $HOME directory. On Windows it's located in $HOMEPATH . A plaintext header comprised of the hash of the master password and its associated salt is placed at the beginning of the file. This header does not need to be kept secret. However, if it is lost or corrupted (or if you forget the master password) all of your passwords will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. IT IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT TO BACK THIS FILE UP REGULARLY.

Known Bugs

On Windows systems spicypass has only been tested with cmd.exe . Other terminal emulators may be buggy or not work at all.

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