The Fastest Directory Crawler for NodeJS
:zap: Extremely Fast: Nothing beats fdir
in speed. It can easily crawl a directory containing 1 million files in < 1 second.
only has 2 functions; sync
and async
for crawling the file system synchronously or asynchronously.
uses pure NodeJS fs
& path
namespaces. Nothing else is ever touched.
runs everywhere on all Node versions (within reason). And it is unsurprisingly fastest there too.
You can install using npm
$ npm i --save fdir
or Yarn:
$ yarn add fdir
It makes no difference to me.
const fdir = require("fdir"); // get all files in a directory synchronously const files = fdir.sync("path/to/dir"); // or asynchronously fdir.async("path/to/dir").then(/*blah blah blah*/);
And that's it.
$ yarn benchmark
- Intel i7 7th Generation (7700HQ)
- 16 GB of RAM
- 256 GB SSD
- OS: Manjaro Linux
- Directory Size: 7386 files
- Some people asked that I benchmark
(without options) version offdir
. I did and found no performance difference. The results were identical. (I didn't include it here as it wasn't anything special.)
Node v13.11.0:
Synchronous (7386 files) | Asynchronous (7386 files) |
Node v8.3.0:
Note: As latest version of rrdir
doesn't support Node < 8, I had to use version 2.0.0. Everything else is fully updated.
Synchronous (7386 files) | Asynchronous (7386 files) |
is very small so there's not much to the API.
fdir.sync(string, Options): String[]
This is often the fastest way to get files. However, it will block the main "thread" so use it with caution with large directories.
fdir.async(string, Options): Promise<String[]>
Not always the fastest but works without blocking the street, so that's a plus.
Ah, the options. Not many of them. At least not as many as I'd hoped for.
includeDirs: boolean
Whether to include directories in the array returned.
default: false
excludeBasePath: boolean
Whether to exclude the base path for each file.
default: false
searchFn: Function
Use this to filter out files.
fdir.sync("node_modules", { searchFn: path => path.includes(".git") });
default: undefined
maxDepth: number
The max number of levels fdir
should crawl before stopping. The lower the faster.
default: undefined (i.e. infinity)
isExcludedDir: Function
Use this to exclude particular directories from being crawled.
const isExcludedDir = path => path.includes(".bin"); fdir.sync("node_modules", { isExcludedDir });
default: undefined
ignoreErrors: boolean
Ignore errors while traversing the directory.
default: false
And that's it.
1. I looked at the code and there's nothing special. How is it so damn fast then?
Well, that's the whole point. fdir
exists to prove to the "young" generation that you don't need to use special constructs or special methods to gain speed. Just a bit of patience and brains.
2. I found X library. I ran its benchmarks. It is faster than fdir
Um. Well thank you for embarassing me (just joking). Do tell me the name of this library though. I will try to optimize fdir
and reclaim the first spot
3. You are doing X and Y wrong! Do Z and it will improve performance!
Yes. And I should probably do A, B & C too. The point is, did you run benchmarks with these suggestions? If you did and saw significant improvements, thank you. Now go open a PR :laugh:
4. Why create this? What's the point?
I know you don't care. Fine. There's no point behind this. It's "just for fun". No, wait. Actually, I created this, first of all, for me. I needed fast directory access in another app of mine, so fdir
came into being.
5. Why are all the other libraries so slow?
Because they did not spend enough time optimizing it. Most developers give readability and cool code more importance than actual performance and usability. I have seen a library claiming to be the fastest by inverting the benchmarks. Literally. Gave me quite the scare until I went and fixed the benchmark. It was actually one of the slowest. :O
6. How long did it take you to create this?
Ummm. Maybe 18 hours? Make it a day.
7. Are you looking for a job?
Am I? Well, are you offering a job? If yes, I am interested. :D
8. Why should I care?
You shouldn't. But here's my email in case you do: thecodrr[at]protonmail.com . Don't worry, I don't bite.
Would love if you buy me a cup of coffee right over here . Or just be, you know, polite and give me a star? Maybe even follow me?
Copyright (c) 2020 Abdullah Atta under MIT. Read full text here.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Clifford A. Shaffer / 张铭、刘晓丹、等译 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013 / 59.00元
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