Inspired by comments on the previous question Is it true that Netscape Navigator eventually became Mozilla Firefox? (Answer: Yes).
In 1998, Netscape released a large amount of their existing source code as open source, and this became the basis of the Mozilla and eventually Firefox code bases. Over the years, large sections of this have been rewritten, although some of those rewrites were themselves started within Netscape (e.g. the "NGLayout" engine which became "Gecko").
Are there any sections of code in Firefox version 74.0 (released March 2020) which are basically unchanged from code which was actually part of pre-Mozilla Netscape releases (Communicator 4.0 or earlier)?
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陈儒 / 电子工业出版社 / 2008-6 / 69.80元
作为主流的动态语言,Python不仅简单易学、移植性好,而且拥有强大丰富的库的支持。此外,Python强大的可扩展性,让开发人员既可以非常容易地利用C/C++编写Python的扩展模块,还能将Python嵌入到C/C++程序中,为自己的系统添加动态扩展和动态编程的能力。. 为了更好地利用Python语言,无论是使用Python语言本身,还是将Python与C/C++交互使用,深刻理解Pyth......一起来看看 《Python源码剖析》 这本书的介绍吧!