内容简介:An integration for Slack that converts any time string in a message to all timezones where the team is.Just invite the @bot to your channel. Then, any message that mentions @time and contains a time will be converted, for example:
Slack Timezone Converter
An integration for Slack that converts any time string in a message to all timezones where the team is.
Just invite the @bot to your channel. Then, any message that mentions @time and contains a time will be converted, for example: Let's meet at 8am PDT please @time
Currently supports any format parsable by ActiveSupport .
Any time a time string is found in a message that mentions @time
, the integration, running in a server, converts it to all timezones where the team has at least one member. A message is sent back to the Slack channel with all the conversions and a fancy clock icon that represents the time. It supports any channel joined by the user whose token is passed as parameter. This user's timezone is used as the default when a timezone is not present on the parsed message.
Example message that would be parsed: Hey, our meeting is at 12h30 PDT @time
In order to use this integration, the following Ruby libraries are needed:
- slack-rtmapi
- active_support
- json
But they can be installed by using bundle
bundle install
After all requirements are met, it's just necessary to run the code, passing the Slack token as parameter:
ruby slack-timezone-converter.rb <Slack token> <number of times per line (defaults to 1)> <additional message>
This program runs indefinitely and listens for new messages on the Slack channels. It can be stopped by just stopping the process.
- Correctly identify the format where a dot is the separator between hour and minutes (e.g., "8.30am")
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《An integration for Slack that converts time string in a message to all timezones (MIT License)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版
普拉达 (Stephen Prata) / 姜佑 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-4-1 / CNY 89.00
《C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版》详细讲解了C语言的基本概念和编程技巧。 《C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版》共17章。第1、2章介绍了C语言编程的预备知识。第3~15章详细讲解了C语言的相关知识,包括数据类型、格式化输入/输出、运算符、表达式、语句、循环、字符输入和输出、函数、数组和指针、字符和字符串函数、内存管理、文件输入输出、结构、位操作等。第16章、17章介绍C......一起来看看 《C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版》 这本书的介绍吧!