内容简介:Nota bene: the project is referred as "Ark" and as "ArkScript". The official public name is "ArkScript" since "Ark" is already being used by
- Documentation: Wiki
- Discord server: invite link , to discuss the specification of the language and receive help
- Modules
Nota bene: the project is referred as "Ark" and as "ArkScript". The official public name is "ArkScript" since "Ark" is already being used by another language
Key features
ArkScript is
- small: the compiler, and the virtual machines fit under 5000 lines, but also small in term of keywords (it has only 10)!
- a scripting language: it's very easy to embed it in your application. The FFI is quite easy to understand, so adding your own functions to the virtual machine is effortless
- portable: it produces a bytecode which is run by its virtual machine, like Java but without the
- a functional language: every parameters are passed by value, everything is immutable unless you use
to define a mutable variable - powerful: it can handle object oriented programming in a very elegant way with its closures and explicit captures (see examples/church-encoding)
- promoting functionalities before performances: expressiveness often brings more productivity, but performances aren't bad at all
- easy to compile: it takes less than 200ms to compile and check a complex code with a lot of branches and sub-branches of 200 lines.
- a Lisp-like, but with less parentheses:
is expanded to(list ...)
to(begin ...)
. More shorthands will come in the future. - extensible: it is very easy to create a C++ module to use in the language
- it has a REPL
- it has a growing standard library, composed of ArkScript (under
) and C++ (undermodules/
) - it has a lot of unit tests, which are ran before every release to ensure everything work as intended
Fibonacci suite
{ (let fibo (fun (n) (if (< n 2) n (+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2)))))) (print (fibo 28)) # display 317811 }
More or less game
{ # more or less game (print "More or less game!") (import "librandom.so") (import "Math/Arithmetic.ark") (let number (mod (abs (random)) 10000)) (mut value 0) (mut essais 0) (mut continue true) (while continue { (set value (toNumber (input "Input a numeric value: "))) (if (< value number) # then (print "More!") # else (if (= value number) # then { (print "Bingo!") (set continue false) } # else (print "Less!"))) (set essais (+ 1 essais))}) (print "You won in " essais " tries") }
More examples are available in the folder examples/
- First, fork the repository
- Then, clone your fork:
git clone git@github.com:username/Ark.git
- Create a branch for your feature:
git checkout -b feat-my-awesome-idea
- When you're done, push it to your fork and submit a pull request!
Don't know what to work on? No worries, we have a list of things to do
Our beloved contributors
Who worked on
- the standard library
- the FFI
- the REPL
- the CLI
- the documentation
- the language specification
- the logo
Contributing to the ArkScript standard library
See Coding guidelines if you want to write ArkScript for the library (see folder lib/
For performance reasons, some functions might be written in C++, in include/Ark/VM/FFI.hpp
and src/VM/FFI/
Code structure
- C++17
- CMake >= 3.12
- Visual Studio >= 11 (on Windows)
Libs already included:
- rj format , MIT licence
- CLIPP , MIT licence
- termcolor , BSD (3-clause) licence
- google/benchmark , Apache 2.0 licence
# first, clone it ~$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=dev https://github.com/ArkScript-lang/Ark.git ~/Ark$ cd Ark ~/Ark$ git submodule update --init --recursive # building Ark ~/Ark$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DARK_BUILD_EXE=1 ~/Ark$ cmake --build build # installing Ark # works on Linux and on Windows (might need administrative privileges) ~/Ark$ cmake --install build --config Release # running ~/Ark$ Ark --help DESCRIPTION ArkScript programming language SYNOPSIS build/Ark -h, --help build/Ark --version build/Ark --dev-info build/Ark ((<file> [-c]) | -r) [-(d|bcr)] [-L <lib_dir>] [-f(function-arity-check|no-function-arity-check)] [-f(allow-invalid-token-after-paren|no-invalid-token-after-paren)] OPTIONS -h, --help Display this message --version Display ArkScript version and exit --dev-info Display development information and exit -c, --compile Compile the given program to bytecode, but do not run -r, --repl Run the ArkScript REPL -d, --debug... Increase debug level (default: 0) -bcr, --bytecode-reader Launch the bytecode reader -L, --lib Set the location of the ArkScript standard library -f(function-arity-check|no-function-arity-check) Toggle function arity checks (default: ON) -f(allow-invalid-token-after-paren|no-invalid-token-after-paren) Authorize invalid token after `(' (default: OFF). When ON, only display a warning LICENSE Mozilla Public License 2.0
Compiled on WSL (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS 64 bits), 25 independants runs, 5 consecutives runs to have a nice median.
Run on (8 X 1992 MHz CPU s) CPU Caches:
- L1 Data 32K (x4)
- L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
- L2 Unified 262K (x4)
- L3 Unified 8388K (x1)
The test here is the Ackermann-Peter function with m=3 and n=6:
data | ArkScript | C++ (g++ 8.3.0) | Java (OpenJDK 11.0.6) 64 bits | Lua 5.1.5 | Python 3.6.9 |
mean | 51.5 ms | 0.144 ms | 0.211 ms | 13.553 ms | 9.125 ms |
median | 51.1 ms | 0.142 ms | 0.179 ms | 13.404 ms | 9.375 ms |
stddev | 0.619 ms | 0.003 ms | 0.906 ms | 0.146 ms | 0.865 ms |
You can find a snake created in ArkScript in the folder examples/games/snake (run it from there, otherwise it won't find the font and the sprites ; you won't need to install the SFML).
Controls are the arrows (left, right, up and down), the game closes itself when you successfully collect the 3 apples.
This project was inspired by gameprogramingpatterns and ofan lisp.cpp
Copyright and Licence information
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexandre Plateau. All rights reserved.
This ArkScript distribution contains no GNU GPL code, which means it can be used in proprietary projects.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
2011-1 / 56.00元
《反黑风暴·网站入侵与脚本技术快速防杀》由浅入深、图文并茂地再现了网站入侵与脚本技术快速防杀的全过程,内容涵盖:Windows系统编程基础、黑客程序的配置和数据包嗅探、Web脚本攻击与防御、基于Web的DDoS攻击与防御、流行的黑客编程技术、XSS跨站脚本攻击技术与防范、Cookie欺骗与防御技术剖析、数据库入侵与防范技术、SQL注入攻击与防范、网络上传漏洞的攻击与防范、系统后门编程技术、编程攻击......一起来看看 《网站入侵与脚本技术快速防杀》 这本书的介绍吧!