内容简介:Lighttpd 1.4.41 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
Lighttpd 1.4.41 发布了Lighttpd 是一个德国人领导的开源Web服务器软件,其根本的目的是提供一个专门针对高性能网站,安全、快速、兼容性好并且灵活的web server环境。具有非常低的内存开销,cpu占用率低,效能好,以及丰富的模块等特点。
security fixes
security: encode quoting chars in HTML and XML
security: ensure gid != 0 if server.username is set, but not server.groupname
security: disable stat_cache if server.follow-symlink = “disable”
security: httpoxy defense: do not emit HTTP_PROXY to CGI env
fix bugs introduced in 1.4.40 (sorry)
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 might leave client sockets in TIME WAIT (FIN2_WAIT)
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 times out on TLS requests with POST data
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 reversed REQUEST_URI/REDIRECT_URI (now reverted)
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 rejects IPv6 addrs in $ HTTP [“remoteip”]
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 rejects IPv6 addrs in $ SERVER [“socket”] scope identifier
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 segfault in mod_accesslog if %T in custom format
bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 might trigger assert when converting to hex string
behavior changes
new: use TMPDIR if server.upload-dirs is not defined, “/var/tmp” if neither
new: inherit server.use-ipv6 and server.set-v6only from global scope
reverted REQUEST_URI/REDIRECT_URI to match behavior in lighttpd <= 1.4.39
remove long-deprecated, non-functional config opts
[config] inherit server.use-ipv6 and server.set-v6only (fixes #678 )
[mod_auth] fix Digest auth to be better than Basic (fixes #1844 )
[mod_ssi] fix #config sizefmt=“bytes”
[autobuild] move inet_pton detection later
[core] #include <sys/filio.h> for FIONREAD (fixes #2726 )
[autobuild] clock_gettime() -lrt with glibc < 2.17
[security] do not emit HTTP_PROXY to CGI env
[build_cmake] clock_gettime() -lrt w/ glibc < 2.17 (fixes #2737 )
[core] avoid spurious trace and error abort
[core] stay in CON_STATE_CLOSE until done with req
[core] $ HTTP [“remoteip”] must handle IPv6 w/o []
[mod_status] show keep-alive status w/ text output (fixes #2740 )
do not set REDIRECT_URI in mod_magnet, mod_rewrite ( #2738 )
revert 1.4.40 swap of REQUEST_URI, REDIRECT_URI (fixes #2738 )
[core] permit IPv6 address scope identifier
[ TLS ] better handling of SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/ WRITE
[ TLS ] read all available records from SSL_read()
[core] try AF_INET after AF_INET6 if use-ipv6
[core] set chunkqueue tempdirs at startup
[security] ensure gid != 0 if server.username set (fixes #2725 )
[security] disable stat_cache if !follow-symlink (fixes #2724 )
[core] fix buffer_copy_string_hex() assert (fixes #2742 )
[security] encode quoting chars in HTML and XML
[cmake] always define _GNU_SOURCE
[cmake] enable warnings for GCC and Clang
[cmake] set cmake_minimum_required to 2.8.2
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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[英] Tom Hughes-Croucher、[英] Mike Wilson / 郑达韡 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2013-2 / 39.00元
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