内容简介:Hi, Memcached team,Recently, I revealed a buffer overflow vulnerability which may cause DOS attack. The exploit details can be found as following.memcached-1.6.0
Hi, Memcached team,
Recently, I revealed a buffer overflow vulnerability which may cause DOS attack. The exploit details can be found as following.
Affect Version
Root cause
file location: memcached.c:6156-6187
Code Audit
6178 char extbuf[sizeof(c->binary_header) + BIN_MAX_EXTLEN]; 6179 memcpy(extbuf + sizeof(c->binary_header), c->rcurr + sizeof(c->binary_header), **extlen**);
in line 6179, since there is no mechanism to verify the parameter's length, in this case, the length of " extlen " when calling memcpy function, It will cause buffer overflow if large value assigned to the extlen variable.
0x80 0x01 [0x00 0x00] keylen [0x30] extlen 0x00 0x00 x00
for the POC snippet, first, if I assign a large value to the variable extlen , on the other hand, in order to bypass the validation of data packet which sent in following code snippet,
6156 if (c->rbytes < keylen + extlen + sizeof(c->binary_header))
we can construct a very large data packet and send it to the server running memcached 1.6.0 or 1.6.1 anonymously. After that, the program will crash because of the issue mentioned above.
Note: Please confirm this issue ASAP. Besides, just letting you know, I am gonna submit this issue to CVE mitre.
Please let me if you have any questions.
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[美] 洛芙迪 (Lance Loveday)、[美] 尼豪斯 (Sandra Niehaus) / 刘淼、枊靖、王卓昊 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-8 / 55.00
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