内容简介:Free and open source library to create
QA Wolf
Create browser tests 10x faster
Free and open source library to create Playwright / Jest browser tests and run them in CI
Set up your project for browser tests:
cd /my/awesome/project npm init qawolf # or yarn create qawolf
Configure your test directory and CI provider:
? rootDir: Directory to create tests in (.qawolf) ? Choose CI Provider (Use arrow keys) Azure DevOps Bitbucket Pipelines CircleCI ❯ GitHub Actions GitLab CI/CD Jenkins Skip CI setup
This will install qawolf
, jest
and playwright
as dev dependencies and create a CI workflow file to:
:racehorse: Run tests in parallel -
:video_camera: Record a video of each test -
:page_facing_up: Capture browser logs
Create a test
npx qawolf create url [name]
Action | Status | Example |
Click |
page.click(selectors['0_submit']) |
Type |
page.type(selectors['0_username'], 'username') |
Scroll |
qawolf.scroll(page, 'html', { x: 0, y: 200 }) |
Select |
page.selectOption(selectors['0_ice_cream'], 'chocolate') |
Replace text |
page.fill(selectors['0_username'], 'username') |
Paste |
page.type(selectors['password'], 'pasted') |
Use a test attribute |
page.click("[data-qa='submit']") |
Use a test attribute on an ancestor |
page.click("[data-qa='radio'] [value='cat']") |
Use multiple pages/tabs |
qawolf.waitForPage(page.context(), 1) |
Iframes |
Coming soon |
Drag and drop |
Coming soon |
File upload |
Coming soon |
Back button |
Coming soon |
As your test is created:
:pencil2: Edit the code as you like -
️ Use the REPL to try out commands
Run your tests
On Chromium:
npx qawolf test [name]
On Firefox:
npx qawolf test --firefox [name]
On Webkit:
npx qawolf test --webkit [name]
On all browsers:
npx qawolf test --all-browsers [name]
Get help
We want QA Wolf to work for you, so please reach out to get help!
If you have a feature request or feedback, please open an issue or chat with us .
QA Wolf is licensed under BSD-3-Clause .
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Open source library to create browser tests 10x faster》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
A Byte of Python
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