Tesla Model 3 Vulnerability – Disable Autopilot Notifications, Speedometer, etc.

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:CVE-2020-10558 | Tesla Model 3, Tesla VulnerabilityI was able to find a denial of service vulnerability (DoS) after investigating the Tesla Model 3’s web interface. This was after being inspired from the amazing team,After some extensive trial and error, I

CVE-2020-10558 | Tesla Model 3, Tesla Vulnerability


I was able to find a denial of service vulnerability (DoS) after investigating the Tesla Model 3’s web interface. This was after being inspired from the amazing team, Fluoroacetate after they discovered a JIT bug in the browser.

After some extensive trial and error, I found a bug in the web browser.

Thanks to some code I was able to find on github, (thanks to CrashSafari), I was able to host a malicious web page with the code. Here is a video example.

Important Note:I stated in the video that this disables the autopilot functionality, but that is incorrect. This will only disable the notification to place pressure on the wheel. If you keep pressure on the wheel, AP will continue to function.


The driving interface of Tesla Model 3 vehicles in any release before 2020.4.10 allows Denial of Service to occur due to improper process separation, which allows attackers to disable the speedometer, web browser, climate controls, turn signals, navigation, autopilot notifications, and blinker notifications along with other miscellaneous functions from the main screen.

Attack Vector:

To exploit the vulnerability, a user has to go to a specially crafted web page. This web page will crash the chromium-based browser interface and inherently crash the entire Tesla Model 3 interface.

If you want to test it out on your tesla before you update, feel free to go here. Please drive responsibly as this does not inhibit your ability to manually take over. You can still drive.

Nullze Script Tesla Crash

Warning: This script above will still crash your browser on the system you are currently using, so be sure to save your place or use a scrap web browser for this page.


After reporting this vulnerability through Bug Crowd, I had the incredible pleasure of working with the Tesla team to get this issue resolved.

This issue is fixed in any release >= 2020.4.10.

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以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Tesla Model 3 Vulnerability – Disable Autopilot Notifications, Speedometer, etc.》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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