New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:March 18, 2020: Rintagi v.R11.132.00313 ReleasedThe latest version of Rintagi offers a slew of great updates that have been integrated based on user feedback and internal requirements for customer projects. Starting from the installation process to one-cli

March 18, 2020: Rintagi v.R11.132.00313 Released

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

The latest version of Rintagi offers a slew of great updates that have been integrated based on user feedback and internal requirements for customer projects. Starting from the installation process to one-click React module generation, the Rintagi user is in for a seamless experience with the latest update.

Download and upgrade now.

For existing users, please upgrade your developed applications to the latest RO by downloading and applying the updated package.

For the benefit of our community, here’s a brief rundown of the latest updates available on Rintagi.

1. Installation

Installation of Rintagi is now as easy as 1–2–3!

That’s right! We have now cut down the installation steps into 3 simple PowerShell scripts.

  • Running the PowerShell script with administrative access enables developers to install Rintagi in approximately 5–10 minutes.
  • New users are required to run the prerequisite PowerShell file available here . This script will set up your machine with the Rintagi Installer environment within an hour.

The majority of the time is spent on installing visual studio, SQL server. If these dependencies are already installed on your system, this process will be much shorter.

Optional scripts to install dependencies:

  • SQL Express: rintagi_machine_setup_install_sqlexpress.ps1 (If you want SQL Express as the database and haven’t installed it yet. If you have your own SQL Server setup, just make sure it has mixed mode turned on)
  • Dev Tools: rintagi_machine_setup_install_devtools.ps1 (if development is on this machine, it would install minimal required dev tools)
  • Ensure you are running PowerShell (CLI) as an administrator and to reboot the system at the end after installation.

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

PowerShell running the Rintagi Pre_Requisite script

2. One-click React Modules

Easily create REACT based modules with just one click.

  • Rintagi enables developers to generate complete React modules from within seconds.
  • Choose your module and click on a button, to transform all your screens (including administration screens) to a React-based template ready for your customization (React scaffolding).
  • The generated React templates are fully responsive and mobile-friendly with full touch capability for all screen sizes.

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

One-click React Module Generation

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

3. Efficient Remote Collaboration Methodology

  • Standard Rintagi Installer enables multiple low code installations connected to a single database.
  • The new Installer enables users to quickly set up continuous deployment and continuous integration.
  • Edits made are pooled and can be easily pushed to Git Repo. Utilizing the ‘Reset from Git Repo’ option, all changes (commits) are reflected to the latest version without manual intervention.
  • Rintagi now offers the ability to create a module-based installer package (have one module or multiple modules of your product), allowing users to save time while collaborating more efficiently.
  • Rintagi also offers the option of ‘Database only installer’. This will allow the user to push changes at the metadata level without touching the front end, allowing for a two-tier development setup.
  • An ideal scenario of using the ‘Database only installer’ is when it’s necessary to arrange a demo set-up. A Database only set-up would allow the user to run the setup on an existing installation with the data contained in their desired state. This will allow the user to play around with data (for demo purposes) and wipe out existing data (after the demo) if required.

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

4. Comprehensive Proxy Support

The latest Rintagi package offers comprehensive proxy support.

  • Making a few configuration changes (guide coming soon), Rintagi allows for efficient middle-tier scale-out (E.g. AWS application/Network Load Balancer) according to load, resulting in a fully scalable solution.

5. Enhanced Customizable Filters

Based on user feedback, we have now made it even easier to apply complicated conditional logic at a filter level for screens allowing for easier customization and development.

  • Traditionally, filtering a large amount of data, with complex logic required additional effort at the front-end and involved hand-coding of web rules.
  • With the new update, developers can now enhance filters at the back-end to handle complicated logic according to business requirements.

New Version of Rintagi - Latest Updates

Customizable Filters

6. Error Logs

Developers can now configure the environment to receive error logs via email or alert notifications.

  • Any issues with a running system can be automatically set up to be reported back to the dev team. This can help developers proactively fix issues before clients complain.

7. Git Tracking

Rintagi enables better Git support.

  • Developers now have the option of generating stored procedures and metadata as part of the deployment creation process.
  • The end result is a directory of all the stored procedures, the table, and index along with metadata allowing effective collaboration between developers for reviewing code of database-related changes (both logic and structure).

Our team is always dedicated to improving the platform and the overall user experience. We invite suggestions for improvements , feature requests and invite passionate developers to join our vision of creating software that is both low-maintenance and easily customizable — at the lowest cost of ownership by contributing on Github .

Download Rintagi Now.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






Alfred V.Aho、Jeffrey D.Ullman、Ravi Sethi / 李建中 / 机械工业出版社 / 2003-8 / 55.00元

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